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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Regularized Multi-LLMs Collaboration for Enhanced Score-Based Causal Discovery

verfasst von : Xiaoxuan Li, Yao Liu, Ruoyu Wang, Lina Yao

Erschienen in: Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2024

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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As the significance of understanding the cause-and-effect relationships among variables increases in the development of modern systems and algorithms, learning causality from observational data has become a preferred and efficient approach over conducting randomized control trials. However, purely observational data could be insufficient to reconstruct the true causal graph. Consequently, many researchers tried to utilise some form of prior knowledge to improve causal discovery process. In this context, the impressive capabilities of large language models (LLMs) have emerged as a promising alternative to the costly acquisition of prior expert knowledge. In this work, we further explore the potential of using LLMs to enhance causal discovery approaches, particularly focusing on score-based methods, and we propose a general framework to utilise the capacity of not only one but multiple LLMs to augment the discovery process.

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Regularized Multi-LLMs Collaboration for Enhanced Score-Based Causal Discovery
verfasst von
Xiaoxuan Li
Yao Liu
Ruoyu Wang
Lina Yao
Springer Nature Singapore