2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Requirements Systematization through Pattern Application in Ubiquitous Systems
verfasst von : Tomás Ruiz-López, Manuel Noguera, María José Rodríguez Fórtiz, José Luis Garrido
Erschienen in: Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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Application of patterns to address Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs) is a field that has not been widely explored, and that is still uncovered in the scope of Ubiquitous Computing. The unique features of this paradigm, such as context-awareness or technological unobtrusiveness, present a challenge to appropriately treat the specific NFRs related to this field. In this paper, recurring situations in ubiquitous systems have been identified and captured as patterns, which can be used to satisfy NFRs in different domains.