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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Research on the Influence of New Energy Vehicles Industry Eco-business Model on Brand Competitiveness

verfasst von : Qianyu Mao, Ruiyang Wang, Zhen Li

Erschienen in: IEIS 2021

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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New energy vehicles industry is one of seven strategic emerging industries in China, how to develop new energy vehicles industry effectively is critical for China’s new energy vehicle industry to overtake other competitors. Under the background of cloud economy, the organizational form and business model of new energy vehicles industry has changed a lot, the emergence of value ecosystem and eco-business model provide a new perspective and transformation direction for the development of new energy vehicles industry. Based on the theory of value ecosystem, this paper studies the influential mechanism of the eco-business model on brand competitiveness. The results show that the competitive advantage of new energy vehicle eco-business model has a significant positive impact on brand competitiveness, customer perceived value plays an intermediary role between the competitive advantage of new energy vehicle eco-business model and brand competitiveness, the expansion of value ecosystem is able to positively regulate the relationship between the competitive advantage of new energy vehicle eco-business model and customer perceived value, but is not able to regulate the relationship between the competitive advantage of new energy vehicle eco-business model and brand competitiveness. The research results provide new ideas for new energy vehicle enterprises to enhance brand competitiveness, and also provide important implications for the management of new energy vehicle eco-business model.

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Research on the Influence of New Energy Vehicles Industry Eco-business Model on Brand Competitiveness
verfasst von
Qianyu Mao
Ruiyang Wang
Zhen Li
Springer Nature Singapore

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