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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Research on the Pre-planning Process for School Space Innovation Project for Operation of High School Credit System

verfasst von : Ji-Won Yang, Hae-Yeon Yoo

Erschienen in: Proceedings of the 4th International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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In response to social shifts such as the evolving learning preferences of the digital generation, deepening social disparities, and the rise of new technologies, Korean educational facilities have pursued swift adaptations. Various initiatives have been advocated, including a five-year plan to enhance school facility environments, the school space innovation project, and the development of green smart future schools. A key feature of these endeavors has been the active incorporation of user-participatory design methods. By transitioning from a supplier-centric to a user-centered design approach, the intention to offer user-specific spaces within conventional school facilities has been affirmed. Consequently, this study scrutinizes the overall process of the school space improvement pre-planning program, using the Wonju Girls’ High School in Gangwon-do case as a reference point. The purpose was to identify the limitations of participants at each stage and suggest directions for improvement, thereby suggesting the direction of the school space improvement project to be continuously promoted.

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Research on the Pre-planning Process for School Space Innovation Project for Operation of High School Credit System
verfasst von
Ji-Won Yang
Hae-Yeon Yoo
Springer Nature Singapore