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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Resilient Design with Upcycled Timber Within Architectural Design-Build Studio

verfasst von : Kyah Suckling, Yusef Patel, Keith Mann, Adam Collett

Erschienen in: Integrating Resiliency into Future Sustainable Cities

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Timber is a highly valuable resource in New Zealand’s building industry, with a wide range of applications. To make wood useful and easily applicable, the timber industry processes and engineers it in various ways. However, this process often results in the generation of factory waste and discarded material. Unitec’s School of Architecture, in collaboration with industry partners, is taking proactive steps to promote sustainability in the timber industry in New Zealand. One of these initiatives involves encouraging students to design solutions to upcycle timber waste, to reduce waste and promote resourcefulness creatively. The course offers four different approaches for students to work with the material: creating useful architectural artifacts, household items, and structures for communities. The student research projects encourage consideration of material life cycles and the application of design briefs from timber industry clients. Equipping students with sustainable and creative thinking skills contributes to a more resilient and sustainable future for the timber industry in New Zealand. This exemplifies the critical role that tertiary education can play in promoting sustainable timber use. By developing responsible and sustainable skills and knowledge, students become agents of change in the building industry and can promote a more environmentally friendly built environment. The promotion of sustainable practices in the timber industry is crucial for a resilient and environmentally friendly future, making it essential to invest in sustainable practices and education in New Zealand and beyond.

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Resilient Design with Upcycled Timber Within Architectural Design-Build Studio
verfasst von
Kyah Suckling
Yusef Patel
Keith Mann
Adam Collett