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2020 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

5. Rise and Fall of Triumphalism in Brazilian Foreign Policy: The International Strategy of the Workers Party’s Governments (2003–2016)

verfasst von : Antônio Carlos Lessa, Danielly Silva Ramos Becard, Thiago Gehre Galvão

Erschienen in: Status and the Rise of Brazil

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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International analysts who follow Brazil’s political, economic, and social life suggest the country’s trajectory throughout the Workers Party governments could be told through the succession of magazine covers on the Latin American version of The Economist. The first of such editions, from November 2009, printed the iconic image of Christ the Redeemer taking off (“Brazil takes off”), in sync with the optimism expressed on the evaluations at the end of Lula da Silva’s two terms (2003–2010). The second one, from September 2013 (“Has Brazil blown it?”), prints the Christ, with its turbines from the previous edition malfunctioning, heading for a fatal crash at Guanabara Bay. This cover story translated the general perception that Dilma Rousseff, reaching the end of her first term, had apparently failed to maintain the management model, the social dialogue, and the foreign policy bequeathed by her predecessor. The third edition, from April 2016 (“The betrayal of Brazil”), printed Christ the Redeemer holding a sign pleading for help, and the main story presented an assessment of the political and institutional crisis that divided the country and would lead to Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment some months later (The Economist 2009, 2013, 2016).

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It is well known that Brazil was considered to be included as a permanent member of the Security Council at the founding moment of the United Nations. In spite of the fact that the country has taken part in the Security Council as a non-permanent member more than a dozen times since 1945, it is notable that the idea of a candidature firmly declared to a permanent seat was only verbalized during the first Cardoso government (1995–1998), and was soon abandoned, in 1997.
During the PT cycle, 75 new diplomatic posts were opened with new embassies, consulates, and missions to international organizations, adding to the 150 already existing.
Garcia was a personality with a long history in the Workers Party and who for a long period has been engaged with international issues and even occupied the position of the Party’s Secretary for international relations.
Data compiled by the authors through information from the Brazilian Presidency of Republic.
Data compiled by the authors through information from the Brazilian Presidency of Republic.
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Rise and Fall of Triumphalism in Brazilian Foreign Policy: The International Strategy of the Workers Party’s Governments (2003–2016)
verfasst von
Antônio Carlos Lessa
Danielly Silva Ramos Becard
Thiago Gehre Galvão

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