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Robust Guaranteed Cost Composite Anti-bump \(L_2\)-Gain Control for a Class of Switched Systems Under Mixed State-Dependent Switching

verfasst von: Ruihua Wang, Wenxu Sun, Shuai Wang, Yulian Li

Erschienen in: Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing | Ausgabe 12/2024


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The robust guaranteed cost composite anti-bump \(L_2\)-gain control for switched systems is investigated in this paper. By constructing a convex combination of positive definite matrices and segmenting the switching interval, a novel multiple convex Lyapunov function suitable for composite anti-bump switching (ABS) control problem is proposed. A new definition of composite ABS performance is presented without reference signals, which restrains the control and rate bumps of the system caused by switchings only at switching instants. Then, imposing a dwell time on the state-dependent switching law, a mixed state-dependent switching scheme is presented based on the multiple convex Lyapunov function. Robust guaranteed cost composite anti-bump control strategy is established for a class of switched systems to overcome the conflicts among guaranteed cost performance, composite bumpless switching performance and \(L_2\)-gain performance. Eventually, an actual aircraft engine model is employed to demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach.

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Robust Guaranteed Cost Composite Anti-bump -Gain Control for a Class of Switched Systems Under Mixed State-Dependent Switching
verfasst von
Ruihua Wang
Wenxu Sun
Shuai Wang
Yulian Li
Springer US
Erschienen in
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing / Ausgabe 12/2024
Print ISSN: 0278-081X
Elektronische ISSN: 1531-5878