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2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

2. Robust Stakeholder-Based Group-Decision Making Framework: The Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) with the Integration of Best-Worst Method (BWM)

verfasst von : He Huang

Erschienen in: Advances in Best-Worst Method

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of stakeholder involvement in decision-making processes. To address this need, Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) has emerged as a group decision-making framework that takes into account the preferences of key stakeholders. MAMCA provides a flexible structure that aims to capture the various points of view of stakeholders involved in the decision-making process. After the group evaluation, MAMCA encourages stakeholders to engage in discussions and negotiations to reach a consensus solution. However, sometimes it is challenging to reach a consensus solution as stakeholders normally hold conflict interests. Furthermore, during the evaluation, stakeholders may struggle to understand the weight elicitation methods, which can lead to elicitation results that do not reflect their preferences or expectations. Consequently, the Best-Worst Method (BWM) effectively addresses these challenges by simplifying the elicitation process and promoting consistency among judgments, ultimately enhancing the reliability and robustness of decision-making outcomes. This paper proposes a robust group decision-making framework based on MAMCA that incorporates BWM as the weight elicitation method. The proposed framework integrates elicited criteria weights and their consistency ratios from BWM into the consensus-reaching model to further increase the consistency of the results and identify consensual solutions that all stakeholders can accept. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is demonstrated through a logistics study.

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Robust Stakeholder-Based Group-Decision Making Framework: The Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) with the Integration of Best-Worst Method (BWM)
verfasst von
He Huang

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