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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Rules of Standing and Populist Constitutionalism: The Case of the Greek Council of State

verfasst von : Dimitrios-Georgios Patsikas

Erschienen in: The People’s Constitution

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter argues that a relaxed employment of locus standi rules in constitutional cases might enable greater citizen’s participation in creating constitutional meaning, hence promoting what can be seen as a form of populist constitutionalism. It examines recent case-law of the Greek Council of State (CoS or the Court), which approaches the locus standi rules with considerable flexibility, especially when hearing cases of major public interest. By refraining from a formalistic application of the rules of standing, the CoS gains the opportunity to address the disputed issues and decide constitutional cases on the merits. This trend is confirmed in cases brought before the Court both by individual persons as well as by interest groups and associations. Although broad standing rules entail the risk of introducing an actio popularis, the CoS seems nevertheless to favor a lenient application of the relevant rules. By enabling ordinary people to be heard before it in order to have their constitutional rights enforced, the Court lays the ground for wider popular involvement in the creation of constitutional case-law, effectively promoting what in parts of the constitutional theory literature has been termed populist (or popular) constitutionalism.

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I understand civil society as the collective bodies and unions, as well as private individuals trying to manifest their interests within the public sphere. See Flyvbjerg (1998).
In this chapter, I borrow the term “populist constitutionalism” as defined by Tushnet (1999) and use it in parallel with the term “popular constitutionalism” as explained by Kramer (2004).
See Parker (1993), p. 573.
See, among many others, Kramer (2004) and Tushnet (2000).
The translation comes from the Hellenic Parliament’s official publication (emphasis added). Hereinafter, I am referring to the currently in force Greek Constitution of 1975, as revised in 1986, 2001, 2008 and 2019.
See Kaidatzis (2014).
Council of State, Decision 1491/2015.
See article 47, para. 1, of the Presidential Decree 18/1989 codifying statutory provisions for the Council of State. The same rules roughly apply for the intervening parties as well.
Council of State, Decision 95/2017 (plenary). See, also, Pirgakis (2017), p. 81.
Council of State, Decisions 935/2018, 1844/2019 and 218/2021.
The well-known term was, of course, coined by Bickel (1961).
See Vlachopoulos (2019).
See Moukiou (2016).
Council of State, Decision 1992/2020, para. 5. All the extracts of the Court’s decisions, referred to this chapter, are translated by the author.
Council of State, Decision 3341/2013 (plenary), para. 6 and Decision 1858/2015 (plenary), para. 5, respectively.
Council of State, Decision 2102/2019 (plenary), para. 9.
See Kaidatzis (2022) and Fotiadou (2020).
Council of State, Decision 660/2018 (plenary), para. 9, Decision 1749/2019 (plenary), para. 9 and Decision 1750/2019 (plenary), para. 8, respectively.
See Drossos (2020), pp. 35–82.
See Kaidatzis (2021), Avdikos (2020) and Tsiftsoglou (2019).
See Akrivopoulou (2014) and Dimopoulos (2013).
See Kivotidis (2018).
Council of State, Decision 3344/2013 (plenary), para. 6.
Council of State, Decision 460/2013 (plenary). See Christopoulos (2017) and Vassilakakis (2014).
See Moraitidis (2017).
Council of State, Decisions 685/2019 (plenary), 961/2020 and 1850/2020.
See Eliantonio et al. (2013), p. 56.
Council of State, Decision 668/2012 (full plenary), para. 26.
Council of State, Decision 3344/2013 (plenary), para. 6.
Council of State, Decision 3341/2013 (plenary), para. 6.
See Feldman (1992), Tushnet (1992) and Chayes (1976).
For a comprehensive analysis on the significance of constitutional dialogue between the courts, political branches and ordinary people see Bateup (2006).
See Teperoglou (2020), Andreadis and Stavrakakis (2017) and Karyotis et al. (2014).
According to the 7th World Values Survey, conducted in Greece by the Dianeosis nonprofit think-tank in cooperation with the National Center for Social Research (EKKE) between September and October 2017, more than half Greeks trust only five institutions (universities, the armed forces, the police, the Church and the judiciary), whereas the levels of trust in parliament, the government and political parties were under 15%. See Koniordos (2018).
See Kaidatzis (2022) and Blokker (2019).
See Kramer (2004), p. 92.
See Ervasti et al. (2019).
Council of State, Decisions 1902-1909/2014 (plenary) and Decisions 2179-2189/2014 (plenary). In these cases, the CoS denied grosso modo that citizens-users of public services and employees have locus standi to challenge the privatization of certain public enterprises, such as the former Athens airport, Public Gas Corporation, Hellenic Petroleum, Piraeus Port Authority etc.
See Kaidatzis (2019) and Bugarič (2017).
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Rules of Standing and Populist Constitutionalism: The Case of the Greek Council of State
verfasst von
Dimitrios-Georgios Patsikas

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