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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Scopes for Use of Indian Agriculture Wastes in Soil Stabilisation

verfasst von : E. Rotimi Olafisoye, A. Assadi-Langroudi, S. Donyavi, A. Esmatkhah Irani

Erschienen in: Proceedings of ISSMGE TC101—Advanced Laboratory Testing & Nature Inspired Solutions in Engineering (NISE) Joint Symposium

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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This study is centred around the potential of repurposing agricultural residues in India to partially replace cement. India is the world’s second-largest cement producer, with 537 million metric tonnes (MMT) of annual output at the cost of 149 MMT of carbon dioxide emissions. India is also the second largest producer of rice (124 MMT) and wheat (112.2 MMT), from which ash from incineration of straw and husk can be produced. Potential ash product in a year amount to 3.3 MMT in Uttar Pradesh (north), almost 2 MMT in Punjab (northwest), 1.6 MMT in Madhya Pradesh (central-western), and 1.5 MMT in Haryana (northwestern). Upon some chemical adjustment, ash can be conditioned into an alkali-activator. India is also the world’s second-largest sugarcane producer (413 MMT), generating 4.4 MMT of press mud each year. Maharashtra and Karnataka western states supply 4.4 and 2.5 MMT of press mud. Press mud is an organic calcareous waste with a potential of becoming biogeopolymer binder (for partial replacement of cement) upon activation with an alkali matter. Uttar Pradesh in the north and Tamil Nadu in the south emerge as potential national hubs for a new biogeopolymer production, constituting press mud as calcium-based precursor and ash as alkali-activator. The new binder can be used for stabilisation of expansive, organic, and erodible soils.

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Scopes for Use of Indian Agriculture Wastes in Soil Stabilisation
verfasst von
E. Rotimi Olafisoye
A. Assadi-Langroudi
S. Donyavi
A. Esmatkhah Irani