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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Scopes for Use of Nigerian Agriculture Wastes in Soil Stabilisation

verfasst von : Arya Assadi-Langroudi, Emmanuel Rotimi Olafisoye, Arash Esmatkhah Irani, Sohrab Donyavi

Erschienen in: Proceedings of ISSMGE TC101—Advanced Laboratory Testing & Nature Inspired Solutions in Engineering (NISE) Joint Symposium

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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The consensus is that by incorporating plant-based additives into the ground stabilisation, the natural capacity of the soil to adapt and respond to environmental stresses can be retained if not enhanced. Plant-based additives potentially enable the soil to exhibit self-healing, self-forming, and self-producing functions, and to re-establish capabilities that are compromised. This study primarily focuses on wastes from rice, wheat, and maize milling and scopes for their use as alkali-activator. It also examines technical and logistical scopes of using a lime-based waste from sugarcane processing as a natural pozzolan (available at 3 to 6 wt.% of total harvested sugarcane biomass). The alkali-activator is a final product of chemically adjusted calcinated husk and straw (at 20 to 25 wt.% of total harvested biomass) and bran (at 1.5 to 2 wt.%). The mixing of the two creates a biogeopolymer that, upon application to certain soils, initiates a binding process. Target Nigerian soils are expansive black cotton and Abakaliki Shale Formation, erodible lateritic soils, and highly organic soft marine clays. The emphasis of this paper is on logistical rather than geomechanical aspects and to this end, geographical distribution of cultivated lands, mills and refineries, so too problematic soils and geohazards, and the average crop cycles and harvest seasons are collated into a database. Findings suggest that Lagos (south), Sokoto and Kano (north), and Minna (centre west) are four potential powerhouses for production of bio-geopolymers.

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Scopes for Use of Nigerian Agriculture Wastes in Soil Stabilisation
verfasst von
Arya Assadi-Langroudi
Emmanuel Rotimi Olafisoye
Arash Esmatkhah Irani
Sohrab Donyavi