2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Searching for Dependences within the System of Measuring Stations by Using Symbolic Regression
verfasst von : Petr Gajdoš, Michal Radecký, Miroslav Vozňák
Erschienen in: Nostradamus 2013: Prediction, Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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This article deals with searching for dependences within the System of Measuring Stations.Weather measuring stations represent one of the most important data sources. The same could be said about stations that measure the composition of air and the level of pollutants. Knowledge of the current state of air quality resulting from the measured values is essential for citizens, especially in areas affected by heavy industry or dense traffic. Computation of such air quality indicators depends on values obtained from measuring stations which are more or less reliable. They can have failures or they can measure just a part of the required values. In general, searching for dependences represents a complex and non-linear problem that can be effectively solved by some class of evolutionary algorithms. This article describes a method that helps us to predict the levels of air quality in the case of station failure or data loss. The model is constructed by the symbolic regression with usage of the principles of genetic algorithms. The level of air quality of a given station is predicted with respect to a set of surrounding stations. All experiments were focused on real data obtained from the system of stations located in the Czech republic.