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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

3. Seeing the World in Icons

verfasst von : Makayla Lewis, Miriam Sturdee

Erschienen in: Sketching in Human Computer Interaction

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Why are icons important? Part of the joy of icons is their simplicity and their ability to convey meaning with great economy of line. Not only this but well thought out, simple icons can provide a means of communication without words. This chapter will guide you through the process of developing your visual practice and creating a library of go-to icons for use in your communications materials, storyboards, and interface designs. Within this chapter, you will build their core knowledge, turn scribbles into distinct images, and grow in confidence. You will identify relevant concepts and items for visual representation based on your own studies and practices, sketch, and solidify these concepts and items into simple icons or images, identifying where and when to simplify, or use detail. Further, you will refine and develop these concepts and items with practice and build your own, personally relevant, visual library.

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Zurück zum Zitat Neurath, O., Eve, M., & Burke, C. (2010). From hieroglyphics to Isotype: A visual autobiography. Hyphen Press. Neurath, O., Eve, M., & Burke, C. (2010). From hieroglyphics to Isotype: A visual autobiography. Hyphen Press.
Zurück zum Zitat Valenza, E., Simion, F., Cassia, V. M., & Umiltà, C. (1996). Face preference at birth. Journal of experimental psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22(4), 892. Valenza, E., Simion, F., Cassia, V. M., & Umiltà, C. (1996). Face preference at birth. Journal of experimental psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 22(4), 892.
Zurück zum Zitat Brand, W. (2018). Visual doing workbook. Laurence King Publishing. Brand, W. (2018). Visual doing workbook. Laurence King Publishing.
Zurück zum Zitat Brand, W. (2021a). My icon library: Build & expand your own visual vocabulary. BIS Publishers. Brand, W. (2021a). My icon library: Build & expand your own visual vocabulary. BIS Publishers.
Zurück zum Zitat Brand, W. (2021b). My icon library: Build & expand your own visual vocabulary. Laurence King Publishing. Brand, W. (2021b). My icon library: Build & expand your own visual vocabulary. Laurence King Publishing.
Zurück zum Zitat Hall, R. (1997). The Cartoonist’s workbook drawing (1st ed.). A & C Black Publishers Ltd. Hall, R. (1997). The Cartoonist’s workbook drawing (1st ed.). A & C Black Publishers Ltd.
Zurück zum Zitat Miyata, C. (2016). How to draw almost everything: An illustrated sourcebook. Quarry Books. Miyata, C. (2016). How to draw almost everything: An illustrated sourcebook. Quarry Books.
Zurück zum Zitat Rohde, M. (2013). The sketchnote handbook: The illustrated guide to visual notetaking. Peachpit Press. Rohde, M. (2013). The sketchnote handbook: The illustrated guide to visual notetaking. Peachpit Press.
Zurück zum Zitat Toselli, M. (2016). 100+1 drawing ideas for sketchnoters and doodlers. Independently Published. Toselli, M. (2016). 100+1 drawing ideas for sketchnoters and doodlers. Independently Published.
Seeing the World in Icons
verfasst von
Makayla Lewis
Miriam Sturdee