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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Seismic Assessment and Retrofitting of the National Radio Station in Bangladesh

verfasst von : Md. Jahidul Islam Khan, Md. Rafiqul Islam, Akira Inoue, Yosuke Nakajima, Abdul Malek Sikder

Erschienen in: Sustainable Design and Eco Technologies for Infrastructure

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Bangladesh is located in an earthquake-prone zone near Eurasian Plate Boundary and has a potential risk of hazard in earthquakes. Moreover, the country has a large number of buildings with low strength of concrete, improper members sizing or high axial column load ratio, inadequate shear rebar, improper structural framing, etc. Considering all those limitations, government has started to assess and retrofit government buildings as well as private commercial buildings. Government of Japan through JICA and some other agencies is supporting in this respect to research and prepare several manuals. On behalf of the government, Public Works Department (PWD) is playing a vital role to expedite the process. The Japanese Guidelines for Seismic Assessment and Retrofitting Guidelines are following in Bangladeshi Building with necessary modifications. For last one decade, PWD has assessed and retrofitted several buildings in government and private sectors. This paper will focus on the seismic assessment and retrofitting design and construction of Bangladesh National Radio Station, namely “Betar Bhaban”. The building was designed as a ten-storied building in 1990 and constructed up to fifth floor level before 1998. In the year 2014, the authority of the Radio Station decided to construct rest of the floors and allowed PWD to assess and retrofit as the building found inadequate against seismic forces. The seismic index as found from the assessment was lower in respect to the current code requirements. The seismic index increased after adding retrofitting components. Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls, Steel frame bracing, etc., are used to retrofit the building.

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Zurück zum Zitat Otani S (2000) Seismic vulnerability assessment methods for buildings in Japan. Earthquake Eng Seismol 2(2):47–56 Otani S (2000) Seismic vulnerability assessment methods for buildings in Japan. Earthquake Eng Seismol 2(2):47–56
Zurück zum Zitat BNBC (2020) Bangladesh national building code. Housing and building research institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh BNBC (2020) Bangladesh national building code. Housing and building research institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Zurück zum Zitat PWD, Bangladesh, BSSP Project (2021) Manual for seismic evaluation of existing reinforced concrete buildings. Second Edition, pp 172–201 PWD, Bangladesh, BSSP Project (2021) Manual for seismic evaluation of existing reinforced concrete buildings. Second Edition, pp 172–201
Zurück zum Zitat PWD, Bangladesh, BSSP Project (2021) Manual for seismic retrofit design of existing reinforced concrete buildings. Second Edition, pp 147–152 PWD, Bangladesh, BSSP Project (2021) Manual for seismic retrofit design of existing reinforced concrete buildings. Second Edition, pp 147–152
Zurück zum Zitat JBDPA (2001) Standard for seismic evaluation of existing buildings and guidelines for seismic retrofitting of existing buildings. 2001(1st English Version), The Japan Building Disaster Prevention Association, Japan JBDPA (2001) Standard for seismic evaluation of existing buildings and guidelines for seismic retrofitting of existing buildings. 2001(1st English Version), The Japan Building Disaster Prevention Association, Japan
Zurück zum Zitat Halder AK (2015) Seismic retrofitting of a garment factory building in Bangladesh, new technologies for urban safety of mega cities in Asia, October 2015. Nepal, Kathmandu Halder AK (2015) Seismic retrofitting of a garment factory building in Bangladesh, new technologies for urban safety of mega cities in Asia, October 2015. Nepal, Kathmandu
Seismic Assessment and Retrofitting of the National Radio Station in Bangladesh
verfasst von
Md. Jahidul Islam Khan
Md. Rafiqul Islam
Akira Inoue
Yosuke Nakajima
Abdul Malek Sikder
Springer Nature Singapore