2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Self-organizing Prediction in Smart Grids through Delegate Multi-Agent Systems
verfasst von : Leo Rutten, Paul Valckenaers
Erschienen in: Trends in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems
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This paper discusses a contribution to software and system engineering for smart grids, which comprises multi-agent application domain modeling and delegate multi-agent systems. In this contribution, domain models are software components – agents offering executable services – that become part of the multi-agent software as it will be deployed. These domain models crystalize relevant power engineering knowhow and expertise, thus building bridges between the power engineering and the software engineering communities. The longevity of the real-world counterparts of these domain models ensures their technical feasibility and economic value. By mirroring real-world counterparts throughout their full life cycle, re-configurability is ensured and, in combination with the evaporate-and-refresh mechanisms of the delegate multi-agent systems, even becomes business-as-usual. The paper’s main contribution originates from research addressing self-organizing prediction of smart grid operations.