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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Semi-supervised Cooperative Learning for Multiomics Data Fusion

verfasst von : Daisy Yi Ding, Xiaotao Shen, Michael Snyder, Robert Tibshirani

Erschienen in: Machine Learning for Multimodal Healthcare Data

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Multiomics data fusion integrates diverse data modalities, ranging from transcriptomics to proteomics, to gain a comprehensive understanding of biological systems and enhance predictions on outcomes of interest related to disease phenotypes and treatment responses. Cooperative learning, a recently proposed method, unifies the commonly-used fusion approaches, including early and late fusion, and offers a systematic framework for leveraging the shared underlying relationships across omics to strengthen signals. However, the challenge of acquiring large-scale labeled data remains, and there are cases where multiomics data are available but in the absence of annotated labels. To harness the potential of unlabeled multiomcis data, we introduce semi-supervised cooperative learning. By utilizing an “agreement penalty”, our method incorporates the additional unlabeled data in the learning process and achieves consistently superior predictive performance on simulated data and a real multiomics study of aging. It offers an effective solution to multiomics data fusion in settings with both labeled and unlabeled data and maximizes the utility of available data resources, with the potential of significantly improving predictive models for diagnostics and therapeutics in an increasingly multiomics world.

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We assume that the columns of X and Z have been standardized, and \(\boldsymbol{y}\) has mean 0 (hence we can omit the intercept). We use the commonly-used \(\ell _1\) penalties for illustration, while the framework generalizes to other penalty functions.
It was shown in [8] that there is generally no advantage to allowing different \(\lambda \) values for different modalities.
Traditional supervised learning models are not directly applicable to scenarios involving both labeled and unlabeled data.
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Semi-supervised Cooperative Learning for Multiomics Data Fusion
verfasst von
Daisy Yi Ding
Xiaotao Shen
Michael Snyder
Robert Tibshirani

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