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Sendai Virus-Based Reprogramming of Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells from Umbilical Cord Wharton’s Jelly into Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

In an attempt to bring pluripotent stem cell biology closer to reaching its full potential, many groups have focused on improving reprogramming protocols over the past several years. The episomal modified Sendai virus-based vector has emerged as one of the most practical ones. Here we describe reprogramming of mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSC) derived from umbilical cord Wharton’s Jelly into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) using genome non-integrating Sendai virus-based vectors. The detailed protocols of iPSC colony cryopreservation (vitrification) and adaption to feeder-free culture conditions are also included.

Cristian Miere, Liani Devito, Dusko Ilic
Modeling Cardiovascular Diseases with Patient-Specific Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes

The generation of cardiomyocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) provides a source of cells that accurately recapitulate the human cardiac pathophysiology. The application of these cells allows for modeling of cardiovascular diseases, providing a novel understanding of human disease mechanisms and assessment of therapies. Here, we describe a stepwise protocol developed in our laboratory for the generation of hiPSCs from patients with a specific disease phenotype, long-term hiPSC culture and cryopreservation, differentiation of hiPSCs to cardiomyocytes, and assessment of disease phenotypes. Our protocol combines a number of innovative tools that include a codon-optimized mini intronic plasmid (CoMiP), chemically defined culture conditions to achieve high efficiencies of reprogramming and differentiation, and calcium imaging for assessment of cardiomyocyte phenotypes. Thus, this protocol provides a complete guide to use a patient cohort on a testable cardiomyocyte platform for pharmacological drug assessment.

Paul W. Burridge, Ph.D., Sebastian Diecke, Elena Matsa, Arun Sharma, Haodi Wu, Joseph C. Wu, M.D., Ph.D.
Using Oct4:MerCreMer Lineage Tracing to Monitor Endogenous Oct4 Expression During the Reprogramming of Fibroblasts into Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)

The reprogramming of somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) using a combination of defined transcription factors has become one of the most widely used techniques in stem cell biology. A critical, early event in iPSC reprogramming is the induction of the endogenous transcription factor network that maintains pluripotency in iPSCs. Here we describe using a transgenic, conditional Oct4-Cre construct to investigate the spatial and temporal induction of endogenous


expression during the reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts into iPS cells.

Lucas V. Greder, Jason Post, James R. Dutton
Generation and In Vitro Expansion of Hepatic Progenitor Cells from Human iPS Cells

Stem cells have the unique properties of self-renewal and multipotency (producing progeny belonging to two or more lineages). Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells can be generated from somatic cells by simultaneous expression of pluripotent factors (Oct3/4, Klf4, Sox2, and c-Myc). They share the same properties as embryonic stem (ES) cells and can differentiate into several tissue cells, i.e., neurons, hematopoietic cells, and liver cells. Therefore, iPS cells are suitable candidate cells for regenerative medicine and analyses of disease mechanisms.

The liver is the major organ that regulates a multitude of metabolic functions. Hepatocytes are the major cell type populating the liver parenchyma and express several metabolic enzymes that are necessary for liver functions. Although hepatocytes are essential for maintaining homeostasis, it is difficult to alter artificial and transplanted cells because of their multifunctionality, donor shortage, and immunorejection risk. During liver development, hepatic progenitor cells in the fetal liver differentiate into both mature hepatocytes and cholangiocytes. As hepatic progenitor cells have bipotency and high proliferation ability, they could present a potential source for generating transplantable cells or as a liver study model. Here we describe the induction and purification of hepatic progenitor cells derived from human iPS cells. These cells can proliferate for a long term under suitable culture conditions.

Ayaka Yanagida, Hiromitsu Nakauchi, Akihide Kamiya, Ph.D.
Generation and Characterization of Rat iPSCs

The laboratory rat (

Rattus norvegicus

) is now on the leading edge used as a laboratory model system to study pharmacology, toxicology, immunology, nutrition, behavior, and numerous other topics. Therefore, generation of rat induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) through somatic cells reprogramming is a powerful tool for establishing in vitro disease model, development of new protocols for treatment of different diseases, and creating transgenic rat models. Here, we describe a simple adopted protocol for establishing rat iPSCs from different types of somatic cells including rat primary ear fibroblast (PEF) and primary bone marrow cells (BMC).

Jing Liao, Chun Cui
Enhancing Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Generation by MicroRNA

Somatic reprogramming to generate induced pluripotent stem cells, or iPSC, is a powerful tool in developmental biology, disease modeling, and regenerative medicine. microRNAs have been shown to regulate many key pathways in iPSC induction. Here we describe a microRNA mimic enhanced somatic reprogramming process starting from mouse embryonic fibroblast isolation to iPSC induction to colony derivation and characterization.

Jason Dang, Tariq M Rana
Generation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Using Sendai Virus

This protocol describes the efficient isolation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from circulating blood via density gradient centrifugation and subsequent generation of integration-free human induced pluripotent stem cells. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells are cultured for 9 days to allow expansion of the erythroblast population. The erythroblasts are then used to derive human induced pluripotent stem cells using Sendai viral vectors, each expressing one of the four reprogramming factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc.

Filipa A. C. Soares, Roger A. Pedersen, Ludovic Vallier
Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cell Culture Methods and Induction of Differentiation into Endothelial Cells

The study of stem cell behavior and differentiation in a developmental context is complex, time-consuming, and expensive, and for this reason, cell culture remains a method of choice for developmental and regenerative biology and mechanistic studies. Similar to ES cells, iPS cells have the ability to differentiate into endothelial cells (ECs), and the route for differentiation appears to mimic the developmental process that occurs during the formation of an embryo. Traditional EC induction methods from embryonic stem (ES) cells rely mostly on the formation of embryoid body (EB), which employs feeder or feeder-free conditions in the presence or absence of supporting cells. Similar to ES cells, iPS cells can be cultured in feeder layer or feeder-free conditions. Here, we describe the iPS cell culture methods and induction differentiation of these cells into ECs. We use anti-mouse Flk1 and anti-mouse VE-cadherin to isolate and characterize mouse ECs, because these antibodies are commercially available and their use has been described in the literature, including by our group. The ECs produced by this method have been used by our laboratory, and we have demonstrated their in vivo potential. We also discuss how iPS cells differ in their ability to differentiate into endothelial cells in culture.

Ishita Chatterjee, Fei Li, Erin E. Kohler, Jalees Rehman, Asrar B. Malik, Kishore K. Wary
Generation of Integration-Free Patient Specific iPS Cells Using Episomal Plasmids Under Feeder Free Conditions

Reprogramming somatic cells into a pluripotent state involves the overexpression of transcription factors leading to a series of changes that end in the formation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). These iPSCs have a wide range of potential uses from drug testing and in vitro disease modelling to personalized cell therapies for patients. While viral methods for reprogramming factor delivery have been traditionally preferred due to their high efficiency, it is now possible to generate iPSCs using nonviral methods at similar efficiencies. We developed a robust reprogramming strategy that combines episomal plasmids and the use of commercially available animal free reagents that can be easily adapted for the GMP manufacture of clinical grade cells.

Sara Caxaria, Susanne Arthold, Amit C. Nathwani, Pollyanna Agnes Goh
Acquiring Ground State Pluripotency: Switching Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells from Serum/LIF Medium to 2i/LIF Medium

Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) derive from the inner cell mass (ICM) of a blastocyst. These cells are pluripotent and thus able to generate both somatic and germinal lineages. It is possible to maintain ESCs in different pluripotent states depending on the in vitro culture conditions. Classically, ESCs are cultured in the presence of serum and LIF, which sustain the naive state of pluripotency but in this metastable state cells exhibit a large degree of heterogeneity. In the last few years, it has been discovered that when ESCs are cultured in a chemically defined medium (without serum), in the presence of LIF and with the addition of two small molecules (in particular the inhibitors of MAPK and Gsk-3 pathways), they reach a ground state of pluripotency where cells are more homogeneous and more “ICM-like.” In this protocol, we describe how we culture mouse ESCs and the way we switch them from naive to ground state.

Matteo Tosolini, Alice Jouneau
Generation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Using RNA-Based Sendai Virus System and Pluripotency Validation of the Resulting Cell Population

Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) provide a platform for studying human disease in vitro, increase our understanding of human embryonic development, and provide clinically relevant cell types for transplantation, drug testing, and toxicology studies. Since their discovery, numerous advances have been made in order to eliminate issues such as vector integration into the host genome, low reprogramming efficiency, incomplete reprogramming and acquisition of genomic instabilities. One of the ways to achieve integration-free reprogramming is by using RNA-based Sendai virus. Here we describe a method to generate hiPSCs with Sendai virus in both feeder-free and feeder-dependent culture systems. Additionally, we illustrate methods by which to validate pluripotency of the resulting stem cell population.

Valeria Chichagova, Irene Sanchez-Vera, Lyle Armstrong, David Steel, Majlinda Lako
From Naive to Primed Pluripotency: In Vitro Conversion of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells in Epiblast Stem Cells

Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) derive from the inner cell mass (ICM) of a blastocyst at E3.5 while mouse epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) derive from the late epiblast of a post-implantation embryo at E5.5–E7.5. Both cells are able to differentiate into derivatives of the three germs layers but only ESCs are able to produce chimeras when they are introduced into a blastocyst. To support the naive state of pluripotency, ESC culture requires Leukemia inhibitory factor (Lif) and either serum or inhibitors of Erk and Gsk3 pathways (2i) while the primed pluripotency of EpiSCs is maintained using Activin A and Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2). It is possible to obtain EpiSCs in vitro starting from ESCs but also to induce ESCs starting from EpiSCs even if this second process is very difficult and inefficient. In this protocol we describe how we perform the process of conversion from ESCs to EpiSCs.

Matteo Tosolini, Alice Jouneau
Generation of Embryonic Stem Cells in Rabbits

Here we have described a procedure to generate embryonic stem cell (ESC) lines from rabbit preimplantation blastocysts. We have also provided detailed procedures to characterize the resulting ESC lines, such as the analysis of pluripotency marker expression by reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction, immunolabeling, and fluorescence-associated cell sorting; evaluation of pluripotency by teratoma production; and assessment of genetic stability by karyotyping.

Marielle Afanassieff, Pierre Osteil, Pierre Savatier
Applying Shear Stress to Pluripotent Stem Cells

Thorough understanding of the effects of shear stress on stem cells is critical for the rationale design of large-scale production of cell-based therapies. This is of growing importance as emerging tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications drive the need for clinically relevant numbers of both pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) and cells derived from PSCs. Here, we describe the use of a custom parallel plate bioreactor system to impose fluid shear stress on a layer of PSCs adhered to protein-coated glass slides. This system can be useful both for basic science studies in mechanotransduction and as a surrogate model for bioreactors used in large-scale production.

Russell P. Wolfe, Julia B. Guidry, Stephanie L. Messina, Tabassum Ahsan
A Concise Protocol for siRNA-Mediated Gene Suppression in Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Human embryonic stem cells hold great promise for future biomedical applications such as disease modeling and regenerative medicine. However, these cells are notoriously difficult to culture and are refractory to common means of genetic manipulation, thereby limiting their range of applications. In this protocol, we present an easy and robust method of gene repression in human embryonic stem cells using lipofection of small interfering RNA (siRNA).

Peter F. Renz, Tobias A. Beyer
A Simple and Efficient Method of Slow Freezing for Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Protocols available for the cryopreservation of human embryonic stem (ES) and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are very inefficient and laborious compared to those for the cryopreservation of murine ES/iPS cells or other general cell lines. While the vitrification method may be adequate when working with small numbers of human ES/iPS cells, it requires special skills and is unsuitable when working with large cell numbers. Here, we describe a simple and efficient method for the cryopreservation of hES/hiPS cells that is based on a conventional slow freezing method that uses a combination of Pronase/EDTA for Stem™ and CP-5E™ [final concentrations: 6 % hydroxyethyl starch, 5 % DMSO, and 5 % ethylene glycol in saline]. CP-5E™ is highly effective for the cryopreservation of small cell clumps produced by hES/hiPS colony detachment in the presence of Pronase and EDTA (Pronase/EDTA for Stem™, a formulation containing multiple digestive enzymes from

Streptomyces griseus

). This novel method would be quite useful for large-scale hES/iPS cell banking for use in clinical applications.

Keitaro Imaizumi, Momoe Iha, Naoki Nishishita, Shin Kawamata, M.D., Ph.D., Shinichi Nishikawa, Teruo Akuta, Ph.D.
Generation of a Knockout Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Line Using a Paired CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Engineering Tool

CRISPR/Cas9, originally discovered as a bacterial immune system, has recently been engineered into the latest tool to successfully introduce site-specific mutations in a variety of different organisms. Composed only of the Cas9 protein as well as one engineered guide RNA for its functionality, this system is much less complex in its setup and easier to handle than other guided nucleases such as Zinc-finger nucleases or TALENs.

Here, we describe the simultaneous transfection of two paired CRISPR sgRNAs-Cas9 plasmids, in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs), resulting in the knockout of the selected target gene. Together with a four primer-evaluation system, it poses an efficient way to generate new independent knockout mouse embryonic stem cell lines.

Rahel Wettstein, Maxime Bodak, Constance Ciaudo, Ph.D.
Generating Inner Ear Organoids from Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

This protocol describes a three-dimensional culture method for generating inner ear sensory epithelia, which comprises sensory hair cells and a concurrently arising neuronal population. Mouse embryonic stem cells are initially plated in 96-well plates with differentiation media; following aggregation, Matrigel is added in order to promote epithelialization. A series of small molecule applications is then used over the first 14 days of culture to guide differentiation towards an otic lineage. After 16–20 days, vesicles containing inner ear sensory hair cells and supporting cells arise from the cultured aggregates. Aggregates may be analyzed using immunohistochemistry and electrophysiology techniques. This system serves as a simple and relatively inexpensive in vitro model of inner ear development.

Emma Longworth-Mills, Karl R. Koehler, Eri Hashino, Ph.D.
26S and PA28-20S Proteasome Activity in Cytosolic Extracts from Embryonic Stem Cells

The proteasome is a complex multisubunit protease that plays a major role in the degradation of proteins in eukaryotic cells. Proteasome function is one of the key players regulating the proteome and it is vital for many cellular processes. The method described here makes it possible to assay the proteolytic capacities of proteasome complexes separately in crude cytosolic extracts from ES cells. The method is based on hydrolysis of a fluorogenic peptide substrate in lysates prepared under conditions that favor the interactions of the 20S proteasomal catalytical core with either the 19S or the PA28αβ proteasome regulator.

Malin Hernebring
Pancreatic Differentiation from Murine Embryonic Stem Cells

Pluripotent stem cells are considered as a cell source for replacement therapies for pancreatic beta cells and other organs.

We identified tetrabenazine (TBZ), vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) inhibitor as a promoter of late-stage differentiation of


-positive pancreatic progenitor cells into


-positive endocrine progenitor cells. A cell-permeable cAMP analog, dBu-cAMP promotes beta cell maturation in late stage of differentiation. The induced beta cells can secrete insulin in a glucose-dependent manner.

Our protocol consists of a three -step differentiation process. ES cell recapitulate embryonic developmental processes in vitro. Therefore, the ES cell differentiation system is a useful model for the understanding of molecular mechanism of beta-cell differentiation and are useful for application for future regenerative medicine.

Daisuke Sakano, Nobuaki Shiraki, Shoen Kume, Ph.D