2016 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Seven Cognitive Secrets that Make You Smarter
verfasst von : Kati Nowack, Elke van der Meer
Erschienen in: Von der Kutsche zur Cloud – globale Bildung sucht neue Wege
Verlag: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
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The process of knowledge acquisition involves a variety of challenges students are typically faced with. This chapter focuses on some less familiar cognitive and physiological mechanisms strongly infl uencing learning and memory that, if applied correctly, can have a boosting effect on the brain and its cognitive performance. After a short overview over the cognitive basics of memory, seven ground breaking discoveries that are of particular relevance for internet-based and self-guided learning are presented: adult neurogenesis and how this may be supported by nutrition, memory consolidation during sleep, embodied cognition, cognitive performance-promoting effects of natural green environments, aerobic exercise and music, circadian and ultradian rhythms.