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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Simulation of Phase Transformation and Residual Stress of Low Alloy Steel in Laser Beam Welding

verfasst von : Fatma Akyel, Uwe Reisgen, Simon Olschok, Karthik Murthy

Erschienen in: Enhanced Material, Parts Optimization and Process Intensification

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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The inhomogeneous temperature distribution in welding processes leads to high temperature gradients between the weld seam and the base material. A heterogeneous phase transformation takes place between the areas where the austenitic transformation temperature is exceeded and those where it remains below this temperature. This leads to a residual stress state which results in distortion when the yield strength is exceeded. In order to understand the thermal history of a welded specimen and the phase transformation that has taken place, numerical simulation is used.
This work focuses on the temperature field simulation and the resulting phase transformation in laser beam welding. Two heat sources are combined to simulate the weld pool. Typical models from the literature are used to represent the phase transformation. Altogether a model is developed which can be used as a basis for the calculation of residual stress formation due to thermal load and phase transformation.

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Simulation of Phase Transformation and Residual Stress of Low Alloy Steel in Laser Beam Welding
verfasst von
Fatma Akyel
Uwe Reisgen
Simon Olschok
Karthik Murthy


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