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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

12. Sketching with Other People

verfasst von : Makayla Lewis, Miriam Sturdee

Erschienen in: Sketching in Human Computer Interaction

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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How can we ask others to sketch for us, what might we gain from this, and how can we analyse their sketched imagery? This chapter directly follows on from Chapter 11 and covers what information or resources to provide to people, best practices and ideas for gathering sketches, and other ways of working with sketching and people. We also provide advice for building confidence in your participants (or peers), as well as designing and running sketching-based user studies or workshops. Remember how you felt starting to sketch for the first time? When you ask other people to sketch for you, they will feel the same way and won’t always have the time to build the confidence that completing this course will allow. So we suggest you lead by example. Sketching together also means working with peers and colleagues and even continuing practice with friends. This chapter should enable you to engage participants and peers in sketching activities, learn about the value and use of participant sketches, utilise co-sketching to improve your skills and the skills of those around you, and understand ethics and consent for sketching collection.

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Sketching with Other People
verfasst von
Makayla Lewis
Miriam Sturdee