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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Smart and Autonomous Door Unlocking System Using Face Detection and Recognition

verfasst von : Amrutha Kalturi, Anjali Agarwal, N. Neelima

Erschienen in: Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things

Verlag: Springer Singapore

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Recently, face recognition’s popularity has grown beyond imagination and has given a new dimension to the existing security system. From being theoretically proposing the idea on paper to making it a reality, it has gone through a lot of phases. This paper implements ease of access security system to the disabled people. The security is provided in terms of sending a text message to the registered mobile number and buzzing the alarm. The system is trained with images of only known faces of people for whom the door will be unlocked automatically. When the unknown person tries to enter the access to the door is denied. With leading-edge innovations, smart door unlocking system has become more push on it should be well designed to as it is related to home security and impart easy access to the user. This autonomous door unlocking system concerns to keyless door unlock system with the help of face recognition and detection.

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Smart and Autonomous Door Unlocking System Using Face Detection and Recognition
verfasst von
Amrutha Kalturi
Anjali Agarwal
N. Neelima
Springer Singapore