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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Smart Irrigation and Monitoring Framework

verfasst von : Rakesh Kr. Arora, Manoj Kr. Gupta, Suraj Pal Singh

Erschienen in: Innovative Computing and Communications

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Agriculture has a crucial role in order to develop an agricultural country. In every country, it is known as backbone of the economy. In a study it is found that almost 70% of the country people depend upon farming. As we know shortage of water resources is the most serious problem not only for current but for the upcoming generation too. Smart agriculture is the solution for this issue as it includes modernization of traditional methods used in agriculture. The paper highlights the smart and automatic ways to control supply of water to fields according to the particular yield. Sensor with subordinate circuitry is used to sense the soil moisture. The sensed data is pushed to the cell phone of the user using SMS with through GSM module.

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Smart Irrigation and Monitoring Framework
verfasst von
Rakesh Kr. Arora
Manoj Kr. Gupta
Suraj Pal Singh
Springer Nature Singapore