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01.11.2019 | Hauptbeiträge

Social imaginaries and the limits of differential meaning

A cultural sociological critique of symbolic meaning structures

verfasst von: Werner Binder

Erschienen in: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie | Sonderheft 2/2019


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Elaborating on theories of the social imaginary, this contribution addresses the shortcomings of a differential conception of meaning, which is widespread in the social and cultural sciences. After a brief literature review, a preliminary concept of the social imaginary and its sociological relevance will be outlined drawing on the works of Taylor and others. The theoretical argument of this article, the fundamental difference and complementarity between the differential logic of the symbolic and the fuzzy logic of the imaginary, will be developed in a discussion of structuralism and one of its most fervent critics: Castoriadis. The latter developed his account of the social imaginary as a critique of Marxist reductionism, of the structuralist analysis of language and totemism, and of “ensemblistic-identitarian logic” in general. The implications of Castoriadis’ “imaginary significations”—a “magma” of meaning not exhausted by the differential order of signs—will be demonstrated discussing two contemporary sociological theories informed by structuralism as well as poststructuralism: Luhmann’s system theory and the cultural sociology of Alexander and Smith. The social imaginary, as a reservoir of meaning and condition for the emergence of new meanings, not only illuminates the blind spots in these theories, but also has the potential to transform our thinking about culture and society.

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Similarly, the journal “Social Imaginaries is concerned to elucidate the trans-subjective, or a‑subjective, aspect of cultural meaning, action and power as the precondition for inter-subjective modes of being in the world” (Editorial Collective 2015, p. 8).
For a critique of the phenomenologically inspired sociology of knowledge from the perspective of a theory of the social imaginary, see Binder (2016b).
Castoriadis’ conception of “social imaginary significations” in distinction to the symbolic and the real can be illustrated by Saussure’s theory of linguistic meaning: According to Saussure, there exists a continuum of sounds as well as meanings, which the symbolic medium of language transforms into a discontinuous field of sound images and a corresponding plane of mental concepts (cf. 2011, pp. 112 f.). Although language itself is “form, not substance”, there is a material substance, “the vague plane of sounds”, as well as an analogue mental substance, “the indefinite plane of jumbled ideas” (ibid., p. 112). The concept of the social imaginary refers to the latter, a socially shared reservoir of mental images without clear boundaries—a “magma” in terms of Castoriadis (1997b[1983], 1998[1975], pp. 340–344).
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Social imaginaries and the limits of differential meaning
A cultural sociological critique of symbolic meaning structures
verfasst von
Werner Binder
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Erschienen in
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie / Ausgabe Sonderheft 2/2019
Print ISSN: 1011-0070
Elektronische ISSN: 1862-2585

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