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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Social Relationship Network Within Publishing Industrial Cluster

verfasst von : Shouxian Liu, Xinyi Gu

Erschienen in: IEIS 2021

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Cluster carries out an essential effect on development of industry in knowledge economy. And in order to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in publishing industry, the key elements are concentration of creative activities, cooperative network of relationship amongst proximity firms/individuals and framework promoting innovation. Based on examining components of network of publishing industrial cluster, this study classifies publishing industrial cluster into three types: spontaneously specialization, specialization with key companies leading, and specialization with external investment leading. And then, with sociology perspectives, this paper analyzes the embeddedness and social relation network in publishing industrial cluster. And finally, we propose some measures on mechanism of influencing on innovation of publishing industrial cluster by social relation networks.

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Social Relationship Network Within Publishing Industrial Cluster
verfasst von
Shouxian Liu
Xinyi Gu
Springer Nature Singapore

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