2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Software Support of the Risk Reduction Assessment in the ValueSec Project Flood Use Case
verfasst von : Jacek Bagiński
Erschienen in: New Results in Dependability and Computer Systems
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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The chapter presents information about the first stage of validation of the OSCAD tool for the risk reduction assessment within the decision support process. First, general information about risk management and risk assessment is given, and relations of the risk assessment with the flood issue are described. Basic information about the ValueSec project and its relations with risk assessment is presented. Next, the results of first experiments heading for OSCAD usage as one of the possible elements supporting the Risk Reduction Assessment (RRA) software pillar in the ValueSec project are described. The possibility of OSCAD usage for the RRA pillar was validated on the example of the so-called “flood use case” of the ValueSec project. This use case relates to the assessment and selection of flood countermeasures. The main objective of the validation is to find out if the risk assessment method implemented in OSCAD can be used for the flood issue.