2007 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Stability Analysis of Cavitating Flows Through Inducers
verfasst von : Yoshinobu Tsujimoto
Erschienen in: Fluid Dynamics of Cavitation and Cavitating Turbopumps
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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Three types of stability analysis of cavitating flows through inducers are presented. The first is a one-dimensional analysis in which the characteristics of cavitation are represented by two factors that should be evaluated by other appropriate methods. This method has been used for the analysis of rotating cavitation and cavitation surge, as well as more general instabilities, surge and rotating stall to show the similarity and difference of the characteristics and the mechanisms of those instabilities. The second is a stability analysis of two-dimensional cavitating flow using a closed blade surface cavity model. This model has been used to clarify various types of cavitation instabilities. The third one was developed to understand a cavitation instability associated with the degradation of pressure performance due to cavitation.