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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Standard and Non-standard Optical Logic Gates Using Double Slit Diffraction Pattern

verfasst von : Sarveshwar Kasarla, Kamlesh Alti

Erschienen in: Advances in Photonics and Electronics

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Fabrication of all-optical logic gates is gaining significance due to the quest for all-optical computers is gaining importance. However, in most of the cases realization of all-optical logic gates requires non-linear optics. Building the standard optical logic gates using a combination of linear interferometers was proposed and realized by researchers. Utilization of double slit interference setup is proposed for making standard and non-standard all-optical logic gates is proposed in this paper. Logic gate type of behavior is seen at three locations on the screen corresponding to one XNOR gate (standard gate) and two non-standard gates having asymmetric truth tables.

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Standard and Non-standard Optical Logic Gates Using Double Slit Diffraction Pattern
verfasst von
Sarveshwar Kasarla
Kamlesh Alti