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2018 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Statistical Similarity of Critical Infrastructure Network Traffic Based on Nearest Neighbor Distances

verfasst von : Jeong-Han Yun, Yoonho Hwang, Woomyo Lee, Hee-Kap Ahn, Sin-Kyu Kim

Erschienen in: Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Industrial control systems (ICSs) operate a variety of critical infrastructures such as waterworks and power plants using cyber physical systems (CPSs). Abnormal or malicious behavior in these critical infrastructures can pose a serious threat to society. ICS networks tend to be configured such that specific tasks are performed repeatedly. Further, for a specific task, the resulting pattern in the ICS network traffic does not vary significantly. As a result, most traffic patterns that are caused by tasks that are normally performed in a specific ICS have already occurred in the past, unless the ICS is performing a completely new task. In such environments, anomaly-based intrusion detection system (IDS) can be helpful in the detection of abnormal or malicious behaviors. An anomaly-based IDS learns a statistical model of the normal activities of an ICS. We use the nearest-neighbor search (NNS) to learn patterns caused by normal activities of an ICS and identify anomalies. Our method learns the normal behavior in the overall traffic pattern based on the number of network packets transmitted and received along pairs of devices over a certain time interval. The method uses a geometric noise model with lognormal distribution to model the randomness on ICS network traffic and learns solutions through cross-validation on random samples. We present a fast algorithm, along with its theoretical time complexity analysis, in order to apply our method in real-time on a large-scale ICS. We provide experimental results tested on various types of large-scale traffic data that are collected from real ICSs of critical infrastructures.

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The Black-Scholes option pricing model that received 1997 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.
For security reasons, we cannot provide more detailed information about our dataset.
In our additional experiments, which are omitted in this paper, the proposed method also showed similar detection power when the total number of bytes is increased or decreased.
In the proposed algorithm, the increments and decrements in the amount of network traffic produce the same effect in detecting anomaly of traffic.
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Statistical Similarity of Critical Infrastructure Network Traffic Based on Nearest Neighbor Distances
verfasst von
Jeong-Han Yun
Yoonho Hwang
Woomyo Lee
Hee-Kap Ahn
Sin-Kyu Kim