2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Stochastic Decentralized Routing of Unsplittable Vehicle Flows Using Constraint Optimization
verfasst von : Maksims Fiosins
Erschienen in: Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence
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A decentralized solution to the unsplittable flow problem (UFP) in a transport network is considered, where each flow uses only one route from source to sink and the flows cannot be separated into parts in intermediate nodes. The flow costs in each edge depend on the combination of the assigned flows as well as on external random variables. The distributions of the random variables are unknown, only samples are available. In order to use the information available in the samples more effectively, several resamples are constructed from the original samples. The nodes agree on the resamples in a decentralized way using a cooperative resampling scheme. A decentralized asynchronous solution algorithm for the flow routing problem in these conditions is proposed, which is based on the ADOPT algorithm for asynchronous distributed constraint optimization (DCOP). An example illustrating the proposed approach is presented.