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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Strongly Regular Multigraphs

verfasst von : Leah H. Meissner, John T. Saccoman

Erschienen in: Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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A family of regular graphs which have a direct connection to structures in algebraic combinatorics are strongly regular graphs. These graphs are defined by 4 parameters, n, k, a, and c, where n is the number of nodes, k is the degree of each node, a is the number of common neighbors for every adjacent pair of nodes, and c is the number of common neighbors for every nonadjacent pair of nodes. A multigraph is a graph that has no self-loops, but may have multiple edges and is formally defined by specifying a graph G and assigning a multiplicity to each edge of G. We examine underlying strongly regular multigraphs in order to further clarify their properties, specifically with regard to combinatorial configurations.

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Strongly Regular Multigraphs
verfasst von
Leah H. Meissner
John T. Saccoman