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2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Study on Copyright Infringements of We Media Based on Media Integration Blockchain

verfasst von : Tongtong Yu, Liang Wang

Erschienen in: IEIS 2022

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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With the maturity and improvement of blockchain theory and technology, many media have created platforms based on blockchains such as Civil, Decentralized News Network, Steemit and so on. All these successful cases showed us the potential in protecting media industry especially in digital copyright area. In 2021, the Xinhua News Agency’s search engine ChinaSo created Media Integration Blockchain to protect copyright of news media. This paper introduces the design of the Media Integration Blockchain and try to give some advice to upgrade it to increase the range of it. The paper focuses on not only news media but also on We Media. The purpose of this study is to avoid the copyright infringements and contribute to the protection of digital copyright based on the application of blockchains in China’s digital copyright protection.

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Study on Copyright Infringements of We Media Based on Media Integration Blockchain
verfasst von
Tongtong Yu
Liang Wang
Springer Nature Singapore

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