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2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

7. Supplier Selection for the Oil Industry Using a Combined BWM & F-VIKOR, Case Study: National Iranian South Oil Company

verfasst von : Hamzeh Amin-Tahmasbi, Abbas Ayaran, Mahdi Zarepoor

Erschienen in: Advances in Best-Worst Method

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Supplier selection is one of the most important strategic activities that has a significant impact on the output quality of any company, as it involves multiple criteria for the evaluation and selection of suppliers. The goal of this research is to evaluate and select suppliers for the National Iranian South Oil Company. The opinions of company experts and managers were used for evaluations. The weighting of criteria was done using the Best and Worst method, and the suppliers were ranked using the fuzzy VIKOR. Fuzzy preference relations were used to incorporate the ambiguities and uncertainties that existed in experts’ judgments about the priority of each supplier considering research criteria. The results of using BWM to prioritize contributing factors in supplier selection indicate that the Financial System criterion “production price” is the most important factor in supplier selection. Finally, some practical strategies for managers are provided.

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Supplier Selection for the Oil Industry Using a Combined BWM & F-VIKOR, Case Study: National Iranian South Oil Company
verfasst von
Hamzeh Amin-Tahmasbi
Abbas Ayaran
Mahdi Zarepoor

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