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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

1. Supply Chain Risk Management

verfasst von : Priscilla Schelp, Heather Skipworth, Emel Aktas, Beate Vieth

Erschienen in: Supply Chain Disruptions and Stock Prices

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter establishes the foundational concepts of Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM), focusing on risks arising from natural disasters. It clarifies the distinctions between risk and uncertainty, emphasising their critical roles in supply chain disruptions. The chapter explores both upside and downside risks, integrating perspectives from decision theory and finance, while addressing the debate between objective and subjective risk assessments. Positioned within the broader field of Supply Chain Management, this chapter traces the evolution of SCRM from firm-level concerns to a holistic, supply chain-wide approach. By providing a detailed typology of supply chain risks and disruptions, it offers essential insights for understanding the impact of disasters on firm performance, setting the stage for deeper exploration in subsequent chapters.

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Supply Chain Risk Management
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