2007 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Surface Roughness Scattering in Ultrathin-Body SOI MOSFETs
verfasst von : Seonghoon Jin, Massimo V. Fischetti, Ting-wei Tang
Erschienen in: Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices 2007
Verlag: Springer Vienna
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A rigorous surface roughness scattering model for ultrathin-body SOI MOSFETs is presented, which extends Ando’s model for bulk MOSFETs. The matrix element of the scattering potential includes a generalized Prange-Nee term and all the Coulomb interaction terms. Using this model, we study the effects of the silicon body thickness, effective field, and dielectric constant of the insulator on the roughness-limited low-field electron mobility in ultrathin-body SOI MOSFETs.