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2023 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Sustainable Cities, Quality of Life, and Mobility-Related Happiness

verfasst von : Karima Kourtit, Peter Nijkamp, Marina Toger

Erschienen in: Geography of Happiness

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Cities are increasingly seen as people’s habitat. Citizen tend to regard urban life not only as a convenient way of finding a job or acquiring income, but also as a modus vivendi to enjoy a great variety of urban amenities (culture, friendship, entertainment, urban ‘ambiance’, etc.). Against this background, we observe a rapid rise in urban [un]happiness studies in relation to liveability and quality of life in cities. The present chapter focuses on urban mobility as a source of urbanites’ happiness (or lack thereof). It addresses related key issues from empirical research literature, including a brief overview of urban ‘slow motion’. The study concludes with a summary and a prospective view of future urban challenges in the context of social wellbeing.

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Sustainable Cities, Quality of Life, and Mobility-Related Happiness
verfasst von
Karima Kourtit
Peter Nijkamp
Marina Toger