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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

3. Sustainable Development of Women’s Human Capital in the Extractive Industry: The Colombian Case

verfasst von : Karen de la Hoz, Natalia Cano Londoño, Isabel B. Franco

Erschienen in: Gender Aspects of Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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The main challenge facing companies in the development of their sustainability reports is the incorporation of a sustainable approach that promotes both corporate and social sustainability. Scientific research in the Colombian case has shown that the extractive industry must invest in six forms of women’s human capital in the regions where natural resource exploitation takes place, namely: education, innovation, employment, entrepreneurship, leadership, and sustainability. These three components are part of the so-called “Framework for Sustainable Human Capital Development” TM. Existing sustainability reports and corporate social responsibility agendas in regions where natural resources are exploited rarely incorporate these components simultaneously, or there is a lack of proper implementation in contexts such as the Colombian one. This report provides a practical application of these six components in light of the sustainability reports of extractive companies operating in Colombia. The report presents preliminary findings from scientific research aimed at exploring the application of the “Human Capital Development Framework” TM in the Colombian context.

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Zurück zum Zitat Buitrago-Franco, I (2014). Building sustainable communities: enhancing human Capital in Resource Regions. PhD dissertation. Brisbane: The University of Queensland Buitrago-Franco, I (2014). Building sustainable communities: enhancing human Capital in Resource Regions. PhD dissertation. Brisbane: The University of Queensland
Sustainable Development of Women’s Human Capital in the Extractive Industry: The Colombian Case
verfasst von
Karen de la Hoz
Natalia Cano Londoño
Isabel B. Franco
Springer Nature Singapore