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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Sustainable Infrastructure Practice in Australia

verfasst von : Gianluca Ranzi, Brett C. Phillips

Erschienen in: Sustainable Design and Eco Technologies for Infrastructure

Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

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Sustainable infrastructure underpins economic growth and aims to enhance the wellbeing and quality of life of the community as well as at protecting natural resources while achieving an efficient use of financial resources. Based on these considerations, well-articulated practice principles for sustainable infrastructure provide the basis for sound planning that supports the integration of sustainability principles into all phases of infrastructure projects. Such principles are applicable to new projects as well as to the rehabilitation, reuse and optimization of existing infrastructure. In Australia, extensive efforts have been devoted to date in promoting good practice in the infrastructure domain. Infrastructure Australia is an independent infrastructure advisor to the Australian Government. It focuses on disseminating knowledge and good practices. It recognizes that sustainable outcomes can be reached only through the balancing of social, economic, environmental and governance outcomes. In this context, this paper provides an overview of these principles which underpin Australian practice and shares the current vision and planning for sustainable infrastructure in Australia.

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Sustainable Infrastructure Practice in Australia
verfasst von
Gianluca Ranzi
Brett C. Phillips
Springer Nature Singapore