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2023 | Buch

Sustainable Transport and Environmental Safety in Aviation

herausgegeben von: Sergii Boichenko, Anna Yakovlieva, Oleksandr Zaporozhets, T. Hikmet Karakoc, Iryna Shkilniuk, Alper Dalkiran

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

Buchreihe : Sustainable Aviation


Über dieses Buch

This book looks at sustainability and the environmental safety of transport, both key priorities within the global strategy of sustainable development of aviation. Bringing together selected papers presented at the 8th International Scientific-Technical Conference: Problems of Chemmotology – Theory and Practice of Rational Use of Conventional and Alternative Fuels and Lubricants, the contributions examine the theory and practice of aviation chemmotology and safety in transport, including sustainable transport, manufacturing and use of conventional and alternative fuels and lubricants, the use of electric aviation, and systems of fuel supply and fuel infrastructure. This collection will be an invaluable reference for researchers, professionals, and students involved in alternative aviation fuels, transport engineering, sustainable transport development, and fuels and lubricants.


Chapter 1. Air Safety Information Management
Maintaining flight safety is an important system element due to the knowledge of its level and the state of the overall aircraft systems within their activities during the flight. These systems monitor and control the flying apparatus in difficult flight situations. To achieve the required level of flight safety, aircraft systems must be safely designed in respect of safety standards to reduce the risks which can occur during flight and thus result in dangerous flight situations. The subject content of this article is the analysis of the aviation rules, safety standards, and recommendations for ensuring the level of the flight safety for maintaining airworthiness of transport aircraft. Current means of automated control systems and diagnostics systems used for elimination of failures of the onboard ergatic complex are also performing functions of the information control systems. Onboard aircraft systems thus detect faults in their individual interconnected structures and generate warning signals to the aircraft crew when they detect conditions leading to borders of operational safety limits like parameters out of flight safety envelopes created by a set of aircraft systems and structures. The aim of the analysis is the creation of recommended rules and standards and their application to the phases of the flight route in which the flight of the flying apparatus continues uninterrupted.
Pavol Kurdel, Marek Češkovič, Alena Novák Sedláčková, Jaroslav Zaremba
Chapter 2. Increasing the Reliability of Diagnosis and Control in the Uncertainty of Primary Information
The paper analyzes sources of uncertainty affecting the quality of diagnosing complex technical objects. The authors proposed a theoretical rationale for the formalization of the process of building a model of stochastic influence at the training stage, to ensure minimal uncertainty of the results of multidimensional transformations at the stages of diagnosis, regardless of the type of influencing factors. An analysis of the sources of uncertainty in the diagnosis of complex objects was carried out. The necessity of planning the stages of collection and processing of primary information with complex connections reflecting the structure of the management object at the level of complex mathematical models of information transformation is proven. The work uses methods of mathematical analysis of the probabilistic structure of the control object and the synthesis of an optimal multi-parameter control system based on the maximum reliability of decision-making. The choice of the dimension of the vector of controlled signals and the number of levels of the controlled parameter made it possible to increase the reliability of decision-making and improve the information and measurement technologies of multi-alternative control and functional diagnostics of objects using random information signals for the tasks of reducing the influence of destabilization factors on the completeness of measurement information.
The model of information collection and processing in the system of operational monitoring of the conditions of technical objects in the conditions of uncontrolled factor influences has been improved. The effectiveness of the application of methods of statistical evaluation of the minimum allowable number of input values in the control system and forecasting of parametric violations while providing the maximum expected information at a given control reliability has been proven.
Pavlo Schapov, Olga Ivanets, Pavlo Кulakov, Larysa Коsheva
Chapter 3. Environmental Impact Assessment of the Planned Activity of Aviation Transport
The research was devoted to the development of a mechanism for implementing environmental impact assessment for transport structures and its introduction for projects of planned air transport activities. The need for systematic research and for environmental-oriented intermodal transportation substantiation was shown. This determines the social effect, which is to meet the needs of the users, improve the efficiency of passenger or cargo delivery, and minimize the negative effects of anthropogenic intervention in the ecosystem.
It is determined that the choice of criteria for assessing the impact of the infrastructure project on the environment should be based on a qualitative legal framework and to take into account the specifics of the transport structure, features of the planned location, planned types and volumes of use of natural resources, features of planned structures and technical solutions, etc. Modern environmental standards are based on quantitative evaluation of the criteria and indicators of EIA. In particular, it is proposed that such an assessment with the use of a combination approach with the help of an improved Leopold matrix and Harrington function. This calculation is proposed using the software developed by the authors – electronic calculator environmental impact assessment (ECEIA). It allows you to determine the quantitative assessment of the environmental impact of the planned activity of the entity by clearly established indicators and the method of evaluating them. The service was carried out on the basis of the project “Reconstruction of the Flight Zone No. 2 of SE,” Boryspil, Kyiv.
Viktoriia Khrutba, Tetiana Morozova, Anna Kharchenko, Inesa Rutkovska, Alla Herasymenko
Chapter 4. Key Aspects of Sustainable Development Toward Spent Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are uninterruptible power supplies that are widely used in domestic electrical appliances, electric vehicles, and renewable energy, military, aerospace, etc. applications. The demand for LIBs is growing, which a growing environmental concern is given the multicomponent composition of batteries and unresolved disposal issues. Environmental and resource-saving aspects require a closed recycling cycle, since batteries contain materials and their use allows reducing the carbon footprint of LIB production. The approach involving the extraction of cathode and anode materials for the subsequent recovery of valuable materials has been studied and performed. After disassembly and annealing, the chemical composition of black mass has been presented. Thermal purification as a method for the recovery of valuable metals and carbon material via the lab reactor has been proposed. This chapter is dedicated to the key aspects of sustainable development of recycling spent LIBs by recovering valuable metals and carbon material. In this chapter, the approach involving the extraction of cathode and anode materials for the subsequent recovery of valuable materials has been studied and performed. Thermal purification as a method for the recovery of valuable metals and carbon material via the lab reactor at 3000 ° C has been proposed. Regarding environmental issues, it is also important to develop a new engineering concept of an industrial purification unit based on electric supply from renewable energy sources that will significantly decrease operating costs.
Lina Kieush, Andrii Koveria, Andrii Hrubiak, Serhii Fedorov
Chapter 5. Green Technologies of Information Protection in Computer Networks of Electric Transport System
The process of continuous monitoring of parameters of operating modes of power supply system and its components is investigated. It is determined that the primary information is subject to intellectual processing in order to form diagnostic conclusions and control actions at the level of subway power supply distances. It is shown that in the process of monitoring the server must be protected by a set of hardware and software or information security system from unauthorized access.
The multitasking of the main server, which determines the complexity of the applied information security systems and the need to use information technology, has been studied. Thanks to information protection models and methods for assessing the level of security of a particular network element, the process of attacking the server functionality was modeled using mathematical models of the considered information conflict.
Mathematical models of the process of information attacks on the multitasking server of the subway power supply distance, which is a component of the system, allow to obtain optimal strategies for information protection, using methods of differential game modeling and information protection.
Halyna Holub, Ivan Kulbovskyi, Vitalii Kharuta, Olga Zaiats, Mykola Tkachuk, Valentyna Kharuta
Chapter 6. Multistage Drying in Fluidized Bed: Ways of Eco-friendly Application and Marketing Tools for Promotion
This article describes new constructive solutions in the design of multistage shelf dryers and their efficiency in terms of the environmental safety of production. The urgency to develop the multistage shelf devices for the drying process is substantiated. The features of the improved shelf contacts are presented. The physical model of the interaction of “gas”-“solid” flows and the main advantages of the declared constructive solutions are described. Emissions of solid particles with outgoing gas can be significantly reduced by developing mechanisms for controlling the particles’ motion on the shelf and predicting the distribution law of particles in the device (while obtaining a reliable and uniform distribution of the gas flow). A comparative analysis of the solid particles’ concentration in the devices with different shelves (in comparison with classical fluidized bed devices) is presented. The necessity to use computer modeling in the optimization design of environmentally friendly drying units is substantiated. The computer modeling results of the hydrodynamic conditions of the gas flow in the dryer are presented. New designs of shelf units allow controlling the motion of dispersed particles in the workspace of the device. At the same time, it is possible to predict dust and small particles’ behavior and ensure their reliable trapping from outgoing gases. The obtained results have the prospects for further implementation due to the analysis of the dryer’s technology readiness level and the investigation of a roadmap for entering the domestic market.
Nadiia Artyukhova, Tetiana Vasylieva, Serhiy Lyeonov, Jan Krmela, Oleksandr Shandyba, Olena Melnyk
Chapter 7. Vortex Granulators in Chemical Engineering: Environmental Aspects and Marketing Strategy of Implementation
This chapter deals with the new methods of harmful emission disposal from waste gases in the production of granular products, particularly ammonium nitrate. Authors propose to use vortex granulators for ammonium nitrate production, which need to be improved to increase the environmental safety of the production. The following directions for waste disposal from ammonium nitrate production are proposed to improve the environmental safety of granulation plants: trapping fine fractions and dust with further sending for melt preparation, trapping ammonia with the formation of ammonia water for production needs, and trapping small fractions sending to further growing. All processes are implemented in the workspace of a vortex granulator with a design that allows to classify granules by size (weight) if there are additional sections for purification of gases (hot heat transfer agent). The study results of the outgoing gas composition and the fractional composition of the granular product enable authors to assert the effectiveness of the proposed design solutions. The paper also defines the main stages to promote new constructions of vortex granulators to the market, to create the granulation technology map in a vortex fluidized bed, and shows a technological trajectory for choosing an optimal granulation method.
Artem Artyukhov, Nadiia Artyukhova, Jan Krmela, Tetiana Vasylieva, Serhiy Lyeonov, Olena Melnyk
Chapter 8. Evaluation of Automobile Road Construction Environmental and Economic Efficiency Based on Public-Private Partnership
This article is devoted to the research of issues related to the environmental and economic efficiency of automobile road construction project implementation on public-private partnership basis. A model for the evaluation of the economic and environmental effect of automobile road construction project implementation has been developed. Determination method of tariff for the automobile road use has been improved. The model enables to evaluate the economic and environmental effects for the different schemes of participation of the state and private partnership. Economic and environmental effects for the partners were investigated on the example of the Great Ring Road construction project implementation in Kyiv.
Yevheniia Tsiuman, Mykola Tsiuman, Anatolii Morozov
Chapter 9. Improving the Energy Efficiency and Environmental Performance of Vehicular Engine Equipped Within the On-Board Hydrogen Production System
This study is devoted to issues of improving the energy efficiency and environmental performance of vehicular spark ignition engine equipped within the on-board system that provides the hydrogen production. The proposed on-board system uses a thermoelectric generator to produce the electric energy that powers the hydrogen generator. The produced gas is added to the engine air charge that enables to improve its indicated performance and fuel efficiency and reduce harmful emissions. The thermoelectric generator is used as part of engine exhaust system. This generator converts thermal energy from the exhaust gas into electrical energy. The hydrogen generator is based on water electrolysis principle. This study includes experimental investigation of indicated performance, fuel efficiency, and harmful emissions of the vehicular engine with the hydrogen addition in different operating modes. In addition, the fuel consumption and environmental performance of the vehicular engine equipped within the developed on-board hydrogen production system are obtained with the mathematical modeling of the vehicular engine performance in the driving cycle.
Mykola Tsiuman, Vasyl Mateichyk, Miroslaw Smieszek, Ivan Sadovnyk, Roman Artemenko, Yevheniia Tsiuman
Sustainable Transport and Environmental Safety in Aviation
herausgegeben von
Sergii Boichenko
Anna Yakovlieva
Oleksandr Zaporozhets
T. Hikmet Karakoc
Iryna Shkilniuk
Alper Dalkiran
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