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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

25. Synergies at Industry: Integrating Sustainability Principles into Lean Manufacturing

verfasst von : Javier José Noel del Ángel Márquez, Jesús Fabian López Perez

Erschienen in: Lean Manufacturing in Latin America

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This chapter integrates sustainability principles into lean manufacturing, emphasizing the key factors contributing to sustainability adoption. Focusing on automotive manufacturing plants in Northeast Mexico, this study underscores the role of factors such as the implementation of energy management systems, promotion of gender equality in the workforce, human development through training initiatives, improvement, including utilization of clean, renewable energy, reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, enhancement of worker productivity, and reduction of solid waste materials. The analysis delves into the relationship between these factors and lean manufacturing principles, outlining their combined impacts on sustainability adoption. By bridging economic, environmental, and social considerations, the insights generated provide a pathway for organizations to achieve long-term economic prosperity while fostering overall well-being within the business and the broader community.

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Synergies at Industry: Integrating Sustainability Principles into Lean Manufacturing
verfasst von
Javier José Noel del Ángel Márquez
Jesús Fabian López Perez


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