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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Synthesis of SnS Nanoparticles Using Hydrothermal Method: Structural and Optical Characterization

verfasst von : Z. R. Baraiya, P. K. Mule, Nitin M. Shah

Erschienen in: Advances in Photonics and Electronics

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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In the present study, Tin sulfide nanoparticles (SnS-NPs) were synthesized via hydrothermal method in the temperature range of 150–180 ℃. XRD, SEM_EDS, and optical analysis (UV–Vis) by Diffused Reflectance Spectroscopy (DRS) method were employed to characterize the samples. Analysis of XRD data recommends the synthesized grains of SnS-NPs have a preferred orientation of (0 1 3) plane having orthorhombic structure. The average crystallite size, lattice strain, and dislocation density of SnS-NPs are also estimated for all the reflection peaks of XRD patterns. The SEM images revealed agglomerated spherical-like morphologies of SnS nanoparticles. The elemental composition of SnS-NPs investigated using EDS revealed the formation of tin sulfide. The energy bandgap of SnS-NPs synthesized at 170 °C was estimated by analyzing diffuse reflectance spectra 1.27 eV.

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Synthesis of SnS Nanoparticles Using Hydrothermal Method: Structural and Optical Characterization
verfasst von
Z. R. Baraiya
P. K. Mule
Nitin M. Shah