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2025 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

4. System IF

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This chapter aims to investigate and comprehend which technological factors and in what way they can influence the user experience. Because of the fact that HMDs are now the most extensively used VR devices on the market and that the research took place in the laboratory, the emphasis of this chapter is centered on two subcategories: device-related system IFs and network-related system IFs.

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Zurück zum Zitat Ryan, R.M., Rigby, C.S., Przybylski, A.: The motivational pull of video games: a self-determination theory approach. Motivat. Emot. 30(4), 344–360 (2006)CrossRef Ryan, R.M., Rigby, C.S., Przybylski, A.: The motivational pull of video games: a self-determination theory approach. Motivat. Emot. 30(4), 344–360 (2006)CrossRef
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System IF
verfasst von
Tanja Kojić