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16. Systematic Literature Review of Using Knowledge Management Systems and Processes in Green ICT and ICT for Greening

verfasst von : Alexandra Klimova

Erschienen in: Technology for Smart Futures

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Knowledge management (KM) is considered to be one of the key players essential for improvement and achievement of performance excellence. KM systems accumulate data and information in order to provide better opportunities in a journey toward sustainability in the knowledge economy. The present research conducts a systematic literature review on the application of KM systems and processes to the field of green ICT and ICT for greening. The standard systematic literature review method was used in order to employ a manual search of journals and conference proceedings. More than 40 articles and book chapters were chosen for an in-depth analysis, which shows increasing interest in the application of KM to sustainable development. The review covers essential knowledge management tools and technologies identified within the body of literature and provides a summary of their implication to sustainable development. The paper illustrates that KM systems are essential in order to foster green ICT and ICT for greening. This study concludes by proposing suggestions for future research.

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Systematic Literature Review of Using Knowledge Management Systems and Processes in Green ICT and ICT for Greening
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Alexandra Klimova