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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

Systematising Architectural Precedent Analysis to Enhance the Incorporation of Sustainable Practices in Design Studio 3 Outcomes—A High-Density Mixed-Use Development in Auckland, Semester 1, 2022

verfasst von : Sameh Shamout, Scarlett Cibilich, Iman Khan, Jessamine Fraser, Julian Rennie, Peter McPherson

Erschienen in: Integrating Resiliency into Future Sustainable Cities

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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This paper discusses a systematic online approach for precedent analysis introduced as a compulsory learning activity in the first two weeks of Design Studio 3 in Semester 1, 2022, at Unitec School of Architecture, Auckland, New Zealand. The brief is to create a safe, attractive, and vibrant mixed-use urban environment in Auckland with a strong focus on sustainability and high-quality living. The brief challenges BAS third-year students with designing a high-density mixed-use development in Auckland, and their work was evaluated based on five primary learning outcomes: (1) critically examine alternative design ideas which respond creatively, formally and accountably to a project brief; (2) evaluate and present effective solutions to planning problems in a systematic way; (3) respond strategically to urban issues, such as contextual relationships, position in broader public space, and planning in relation to the environment; (4) define the structural system of the building(s) through diagrammatic analysis; (5) display competence in both verbal and visual communication of design proposals. The paper describes how students employed a systematic architectural precedent analysis in a group work atmosphere to achieve the desired learning outcomes and enhance the integration of sustainability in their studio output. The precedent analysis involved examining successful/unique/inspirational projects with similar design requirements, environmental, social, economic and urban challenges and opportunities, and extracting key elements/lessons learnt from the precedents that could be applied to their projects. Results showed that the systematic approach to precedent analysis discussed in this paper helped students to identify and evaluate successful sustainable design strategies and enhance their incorporation into their design output. The effectiveness of the systematic approach to precedent analysis was confirmed in both the external examination report, student feedback, and the grades achieved by the students. The paper concludes that using a systematic cooperative learning approach to architectural precedent analysis can significantly enhance student engagment with one another and increase the integration of sustainable practices in design studio outcomes and should be considered an essential part of studio pedagogy.

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Zurück zum Zitat Schnabel MA (2017) Back to the future: the next 50 years. In: The 51st international conference of the architectural science association (ANZAScA) Schnabel MA (2017) Back to the future: the next 50 years. In: The 51st international conference of the architectural science association (ANZAScA)
Zurück zum Zitat Shamout S, Boarin P, Melis A (2019) Energy retrofit of existing building stock in amman: state of the art, obstacles and opportunities. In: Alalouch C, Abdalla H, Bozonnet E, Elvin G, Carracedo O (Eds.), Advanced studies in energy efficiency and built environment for developing countries. Springer International Publishing, pp 133–145 Shamout S, Boarin P, Melis A (2019) Energy retrofit of existing building stock in amman: state of the art, obstacles and opportunities. In: Alalouch C, Abdalla H, Bozonnet E, Elvin G, Carracedo O (Eds.), Advanced studies in energy efficiency and built environment for developing countries. Springer International Publishing, pp 133–145 https://​doi.​org/​10.​1007/​978-3-030-10856-4_​14
Systematising Architectural Precedent Analysis to Enhance the Incorporation of Sustainable Practices in Design Studio 3 Outcomes—A High-Density Mixed-Use Development in Auckland, Semester 1, 2022
verfasst von
Sameh Shamout
Scarlett Cibilich
Iman Khan
Jessamine Fraser
Julian Rennie
Peter McPherson