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2024 | Buch

Techniques for Analysis of Mineral Raw Materials


Über dieses Buch

This book presents a comprehensive exploration of fundamental concepts crucial for assessing the industrial viability of raw materials. Each chapter delves into a phenomenological understanding of various techniques, placing practical insights at the forefront while minimizing reliance on complex mathematical formalism. While recognizing the importance of select mathematical formulations to underpin the underlying physical principles, the primary emphasis remains on accessibility and real-world applicability. Readers will gain a solid understanding of pivotal concepts, equipping them with the proficiency to articulate the symbiotic relationship between analytical techniques and the acquisition of commercially significant insights.


Chapter 1. Introduction
Mineralogy defines mineral as a “solid, inorganic and crystalline substance, with a well-defined chemical composition and physical properties, resulting from a terrestrial or extraterrestrial geological process, without human intervention”.
Carlos Pérez Bergmann
Chapter 2. Chemical and Mineralogical Analysis
The chemical and mineralogical analysis of mineral raw materials is a necessity not always easy to execute, mainly due to the heterogeneous physical nature of the samples. The chemical and mineralogical analysis of ores represents one of the most important pieces of information for the definition of the quality of a raw material. Therefore, chemical and mineralogical analyses are a means and not an end within the industrial process, and the demand and requirements in terms of quality/productivity/technological competitiveness have caused this area to experience exponential growth in recent years.
Carlos Pérez Bergmann
Chapter 3. Particle Size Analysis
The determination of the particle size of mineral raw materials is of fundamental importance in industrial processes. Particle size analysis is essential for physical processes aimed at extraction and synthesis. Prior knowledge of the particle size distribution of the particles to be treated is of great importance, as this information will define the operating conditions and the equipment that will lead to the desired particle size of the product, as well as being used for the calculation of the energy expended to produce it. It will also serve as the basis for controlling the production of fine particles in fragmentation processes, for defining the degree of liberation and the distribution of chemical and mineralogical elements in each specific size range and for quality control of the product according to market specifications.
Carlos Pérez Bergmann
Chapter 4. Surface Area and Porosimetry
Specific surface area is defined as the ratio between the area and the mass of the particle. It is an important parameter for the characterization of raw materials due to its correlation with chemical reactivity and chemical phenomena such as physical adsorption and sintering, which occur from the surface.
Carlos Pérez Bergmann
Chapter 5. Thermal Analysis
Thermal analysis (or generically, thermoanalysis) involves a series of techniques that evaluate the transformations that occur in a substance, as a function of temperature. Although it has been used for a long time as a research tool in the laboratory, more recently, it has been introduced in industrial practices such as, for example, in process control and inspection of raw materials and materials.
Carlos Pérez Bergmann
Chapter 6. Microscopy Analysis
In the study of mineral raw materials, three main types of microscopy are used: optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). These techniques are complementary and each has its specific field of application.
Carlos Pérez Bergmann
Techniques for Analysis of Mineral Raw Materials
verfasst von
Carlos Pérez Bergmann
Electronic ISBN
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