2013 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel
Technology and Elaboration of Information in Aging: Preliminary Data of Verbal vs. Visual Performance
verfasst von : Dina Di Giacomo, Massimiliano Palmiero, Domenico Passafiume
Erschienen in: 2nd International Workshop on Evidence-based Technology Enhanced Learning
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
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Recently, the researchers’ interests were focused on the interaction between old age and e-learning, with the aim of investigating the critical factors that might determine the successful aging. In order to verify the modifications of information elaboration competence in aging though Information Technology. We submitted 125 subjects, divided in 5 groups on the basis of subjects’ age, to experimental verbal and visuoperceptual tests, both computerized. The results showed that on visuoperceptual test the Young group was faster than Junior group, whereas On verbal test the young group was slower than adult group. These results highlighted that the successful in the use of e-learning may be influenced by cognitive and emotional factors in aging.