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2018 | Supplement | Buchkapitel

7. Technology Implementation Case Studies: Lincus Software as a Service

verfasst von : Adie Blanchard, Faye Prior, Laura Gilbert, Tom Dawson

Erschienen in: Technology for Smart Futures

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Stakeholders have often failed to foresee, identify and address implementation barriers when introducing new technologies into health and social care settings. As a result, many technologies have not been adopted by organisations or have failed to be used to their full potential. This chapter is written from the perspective of a small-sized technology enterprise in the UK and critically discusses the experiences of deploying a novel ‘software as a service system’ in the UK health and social care sectors. The chapter will specifically discuss the barriers that have been faced throughout implementations and how they were addressed in a series of case studies. We propose that the lessons learned from these implementations will be just as relevant in the future as they were at the time of writing.

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Technology Implementation Case Studies: Lincus Software as a Service
verfasst von
Adie Blanchard
Faye Prior
Laura Gilbert
Tom Dawson