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07.06.2022 | Original Paper

The Cohort Experience in a Hybrid Instructional Technology Ph.D. Program

verfasst von: Margaret L. Rice, Bernadette Beavers, Laura McNeill, Angela Benson

Erschienen in: TechTrends | Ausgabe 4/2022

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The purpose of this qualitative study was to gain in-depth understanding of students’ experiences in a cohort-based hybrid instructional technology Ph.D. program at a Research 1 University. Participants were 14 current and former students in the Instructional Technology Ph.D. program from the 2016 through 2020 cohorts. Participants completed an eight-question open-ended survey administered using Qualtrics. The survey was developed using the Community of Inquiry (CoI), which also serves as the theoretical framework for this study. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Four themes related to cohort success emerged from the analysis of the data. Results provide faculty and administrators with a better understanding of how students experience a cohort-based hybrid Ph.D. program, including the fundamental support students need for personal and academic success. Themes revealed through this research will inform faculty and administrators of critical elements to consider in the design and development of future cohort-based doctoral programs.
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The Cohort Experience in a Hybrid Instructional Technology Ph.D. Program
verfasst von
Margaret L. Rice
Bernadette Beavers
Laura McNeill
Angela Benson
Springer US
Erschienen in
TechTrends / Ausgabe 4/2022
Print ISSN: 8756-3894
Elektronische ISSN: 1559-7075