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2021 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

The Deconstruction of Ethnic Identity: Germany, France, and Rwanda

verfasst von : Eric Ns. Ndushabandi, Rainer Schmidt

Erschienen in: Franco-German Relations Seen from Abroad

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Rwandan “ethnic” confrontation and inner European (German-French) conflicts are both good examples of the destructive potential of socially and politically constructed identities. In a mesalliance of power and identity politics, both cases brought about terrible destruction. “Europe” and “Rwanda” function as inclusive identity constructions with the intention to substitute and finally abolish narratives of exclusion, hierarchy, and cultural superiority. In both contexts, civil society and government actors apply grassroots strategies of neighborhood reconciliation and national memory politics. The parallels and differences in both cases can alert us to the opportunities or risks when actors intervene in identity politics.

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By assimilated, we mean that ethnic distinction in the literature is more a result of subjective construction than a distinction based on any objective and irrefutable criteria. In 1994, “assimilated” indicated three categories: Political opponents to the regime; those who were defined as Hutu and killed during the genocide due to their physical characteristics as defined by genocidal ideology; and those who opposed or had been inactive or refused to take part in killings. All of them were not killed because they were Hutu, but killed for these different reasons highlighted above. This means that, owing to these facts, they ceased to be considered as Hutu in the minds of killers; they had already been de-hutucized and then victimized or tutsicized according to the criminals’ psychology.
General Assembly Designates 7 April International Day of Reflection on 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, GA/12000, January 26, 2018.
Ingando denotes a break taken by Rwandan traditional fighters for the purpose of resting and reflecting on the national destiny and sovereignty. Ingando were brought back from Rwandan tradition in 1996 as “solidarity camps” to bring all Rwandans to sit together and reflect on the issues of national cohesion and how to overcome challenges.
Thomas Mann is an interesting case. He used the abovementioned mental images of culture versus civilization in his “Betrachtungen eines Unpolitischen” (Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man) in 1918. Later on, however, he changed his position, exiled in the United States, and became a convinced and convincing European.
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The Deconstruction of Ethnic Identity: Germany, France, and Rwanda
verfasst von
Eric Ns. Ndushabandi
Rainer Schmidt

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