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2024 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

The Effect of Social Entrepreneurship Antecedents on Social Entrepreneurship Intention

verfasst von : Meral Dülger Taşkın, Gül Eser

Erschienen in: Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives

Verlag: Springer Nature Switzerland

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Social entrepreneurship is a growing field that is playing an increasingly important role in addressing social and environmental challenges around the world. Due to their potential for both profitability and positive impact on the wider community, social entrepreneurs have gained substantial attention from the new generation. Recognizing the significance of this phenomenon, it becomes crucial to assess the sensibility of business school students towards social entrepreneurship as future entrepreneurs. Thus, the objective of this study is to explore the influence of antecedents of social entrepreneurship on entrepreneurial intention of business students at Business Administration Department, Marmara University, Türkiye. Cross-sectional data was collected from 236 students enrolled in the entrepreneurship and/or innovation management courses. Regression analysis reveals a positive correlation between social entrepreneurship antecedents and entrepreneurial intention. Furthermore, two specific factors of social entrepreneurship, namely “Moral and Social Duty” and “Self-Sufficiency and Social Support,” significantly contribute to social entrepreneurship intention. One interesting finding is the statistically significant effect of part-time working experience on social entrepreneurship intention. These insights provide valuable implications for educational institutions, policymakers, and aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to promote social entrepreneurship as a means to address societal challenges.

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The Effect of Social Entrepreneurship Antecedents on Social Entrepreneurship Intention
verfasst von
Meral Dülger Taşkın
Gül Eser

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