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2022 | OriginalPaper | Buchkapitel

The Elevated Workplace

verfasst von : Liam Brown, John Croft, Joyce Thorne

Erschienen in: Liquid Legal – Humanization and the Law

Verlag: Springer International Publishing

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Starting with the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, a series of evolutions have profoundly transformed work and the workplace over the past three centuries. Presently, yet another shift is underway: the digitalisation of work. With it, a new type of entity, the self-aware organisation, has come into existence. With it comes the possibility of a more humanised work environment: the elevated workplace. The elevated workplace meets a broad range of human needs and, in doing so, represents the future of work.

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“[O]ur social structures…offer only one option, to find and keep a job. On this depends my dignity as an individual, my place in society and my ability to survive.” Sweeney (1985), p. 201. Available at https://​www.​jstor.​org/​stable/​30090650. (quoting “Unemployed Woman”, Resources magazine, Winter 1983).
Bloomberg Law’s 2021 Attorney Workload and Hours Survey. Available at https://​aboutblaw.​com/​Xuv?​utm_​source=​ANT&​utm_​medium=​ANP.
In 2019, U.S. workers reported spending an average of 49 min per workday commuting, with 33% indicating their commute exceeded one hour. See Work and Workplace (2019). Gallup, Inc. Available at https://​news.​gallup.​com/​poll/​1720/​work-work-place.​aspx.
See, e.g., Picchi A (2019) 40% of Americans only one missed paycheck away from poverty. CBS News. Available at https://​www.​cbsnews.​com/​news/​40-of-americans-one-step-from-poverty-if-they-miss-a-paycheck/​.
See, e.g., Rohrlich (1980) (“Nothing else with which we associate ourselves can give us the sense of objective identity that work can…[it] organizes, routinizes and structures our lives. It allows for the appropriate outlet of competitive strivings. It keeps us sane.”).
This draws on the paradigm originated by American psychologist Abraham Maslow, who postulated that all humans possess similar needs, spanning more basic ones—i.e., physiological ones (nutritional, environmental, etc.) and ones relating to safety (be it physical, psychological, economic, social, or moral)—all the way to “higher” needs pertaining to esteem and self-actualisation. See Maslow (1943), pp. 370–396.
See, e.g., Hegarty S (2020) The boss who put everyone on 70k. BBC News. Available at https://​www.​bbc.​com/​news/​stories-51332811. (“Two senior…employees…resigned in protest [over the CEO’s unilateral decision to significantly and immediately increase the] the salaries of junior staff…and argued that it would make them lazy, and the company uncompetitive. This hasn’t happened.”).
For a discussion of how an elevated workplace provides a foundation for greater responsiveness to customer needs, see Allen et al. (2022).
See Coleman I (2021) Is the Legal Profession Experiencing an Existential Crisis? McDermott Chairman Thinks There’s a Better Way (Interview of McDermott Will & Emery chairman Ira Coleman). LegalSpeak (podcast). Available at https://​www.​law.​com/​2021/​08/​20/​is-the-legal-profession-experiencing-an-existential-crisis-mcdermott-chairman-thinks-theres-a-better-way/​.
See, e.g., 2021 Q1 Attorney Workload & Hours Survey. Available at https://​aboutblaw.​com/​Ynv (reporting that 42.2% of lawyers surveyed were “unsatisfied” or “neutral” with respect to job satisfaction); Strathausen et al. (2020). Available at https://​www.​liquid-legal-institute.​com/​wp-content/​uploads/​2021/​01/​LLI-LawyerWellBeing-Survey-Findings-1.​pdf. Krill et al. (2016), p. 46 (finding nearly 25% of lawyers at private firms surveyed reported problems with alcohol use and that “attorneys working in private firms experience some of the highest levels of problematic alcohol use compared with other work environments.”).
It appears unlikely that Drucker coined the phrase. See Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast (documenting the use in print of the phrase by other individuals well before the earliest attribution of the phrase to Drucker). Quote Investigator. Available at https://​quoteinvestigato​r.​com/​2017/​05/​23/​culture-eats/​.
See Maslow (1943), pp. 370–396.
See, e.g., Symposium: Revisiting Maslow: Human Needs in the 21st Century. Society 6/2017 (articles by Greenfeld L, Etzioni A, and Kenrick D).
Abulof U (2017) Why We Need Maslow in the Twenty-First Century. Society. Available at https://​link.​springer.​com/​article/​10.​1007%2Fs12115-017-0198-6.
Villarica H (2011) Maslow 2.0: A New and Improved Recipe for Happiness. The Atlantic. Available at https://​www.​theatlantic.​com/​health/​archive/​2011/​08/​maslow-20-a-new-and-improved-recipe-for-happiness/​243486/​.
O’Hara C (2014) Proven Ways to Earn Your Employees’ Trust. Harvard Bus. Rev. Available at https://​hbr.​org/​2014/​06/​proven-ways-to-earn-your-employees-trust.
See, e.g., Stevenson HH, Moldoveanu M (2005) The Power of Predictability. Harvard Bus. Rev. Available at https://​hbr.​org/​1995/​07/​the-power-of-predictability.
See, e.g., Brown (2018).
“If you’re always playing it safe and you’re not failing there’s a very high probability you are not doing anything particularly important.” Scully J (2018) quoted in General Magic: The Movie. Available at https://​subslikescript.​com/​movie/​General_​Magic-6849786.
Carr E et al. (2019) The Value of Belonging at Work. Harvard Bus. Rev. Available at https://​hbr.​org/​2019/​12/​the-value-of-belonging-at-work.
See Csikszentmihalyi (1990).
It is important to emphasise the difference between empathy and sympathy. Empathy is a matter of comprehending and sharing in the feelings of another person, whereas sympathy concerns feeling pity for the circumstances confronting another person. Empathy involves an authentic and sincere effort to grasp another person’s emotional experience, rather than an attempt to show compassion.
Smathers A (2014) The 21st-Century T-Shaped Lawyer. Law Practice. Available at http://​dashboard.​mazsystems.​com/​webreader/​31892?​page=​35.
Zurück zum Zitat Allen S et al (2022) Elevating the customer experience. In: Humanisation and the law. Springer Nature, Basel, Switzerland Allen S et al (2022) Elevating the customer experience. In: Humanisation and the law. Springer Nature, Basel, Switzerland
Zurück zum Zitat Brown B (2018) Dare to lead. Random House, New York Brown B (2018) Dare to lead. Random House, New York
Zurück zum Zitat Csikszentmihalyi M (1990) Flow: the psychology of optimal experience. Harper & Row, New York Csikszentmihalyi M (1990) Flow: the psychology of optimal experience. Harper & Row, New York
Zurück zum Zitat Krill PR, Johnson R, Albert L (2016) The prevalence of substance use and other mental health concerns among American attorneys. J Addict Med 10:46CrossRef Krill PR, Johnson R, Albert L (2016) The prevalence of substance use and other mental health concerns among American attorneys. J Addict Med 10:46CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Maslow A (1943) A theory of human motivation. Psychol Rev 50(4):370–396CrossRef Maslow A (1943) A theory of human motivation. Psychol Rev 50(4):370–396CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Osterman P (2018) In search of the high road: meaning and evidence. ILR Rev 71(1):3–34CrossRef Osterman P (2018) In search of the high road: meaning and evidence. ILR Rev 71(1):3–34CrossRef
Zurück zum Zitat Rohrlich J (1980) Work and love: the crucial balance. Summit Books, New York Rohrlich J (1980) Work and love: the crucial balance. Summit Books, New York
Zurück zum Zitat Strathausen R, Schindler D et al (2020) Survey findings on well-being and personal health of legal professionals in times of digital transformation and social change. Liquid Legal Institute Strathausen R, Schindler D et al (2020) Survey findings on well-being and personal health of legal professionals in times of digital transformation and social change. Liquid Legal Institute
Zurück zum Zitat Sweeney J (1985) I work, therefore I am. An Irish Q Rev 74(294):201 Sweeney J (1985) I work, therefore I am. An Irish Q Rev 74(294):201
The Elevated Workplace
verfasst von
Liam Brown
John Croft
Joyce Thorne